
R package for the tidy calculation of inter-rater reliability

Primary LanguageRGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Lifecycle: experimental

The goal of the agreement package is to calculate estimates of inter-rater agreement and reliability using generalized formulas that accommodate different designs (e.g., crossed or uncrossed), missing data, and ordered or unordered categories. The package includes generalized functions for all major chance-adjusted indexes of categorical agreement (i.e., α, γ, Ir2, κ, π, and S) as well as all major intraclass correlation coefficients (i.e., one-way and two-way models, agreement and consistency types, and single measure and average measure units). Estimates include bootstrap resampling distributions, confidence intervals, and custom tidying and plotting functions.


You can install the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


Calculate chance-adjusted indexes of categorical agreement for unordered categories

# Load dataset with 4 raters assigning 12 objects to 5 unordered categories
#> # A tibble: 48 x 3
#>    Object Rater Score
#>     <int> <chr> <chr>
#>  1      1 R1    a    
#>  2      1 R2    a    
#>  3      1 R3    <NA> 
#>  4      1 R4    a    
#>  5      2 R1    b    
#>  6      2 R2    b    
#>  7      2 R3    c    
#>  8      2 R4    b    
#>  9      3 R1    c    
#> 10      3 R2    c    
#> # ... with 38 more rows
# Calculate all chance-adjusted indexes for unordered categories
results1 <- cat_adjusted(unordered)
#> Warning in cat_adjusted(unordered): With a small number of objects, bootstrap
#> confidence intervals may not be stable.
summary(results1, ci = TRUE, type = "perc")
#> Call:
#> cat_adjusted(.data = unordered)
#> Objects =    12
#> Raters =     4
#> Categories =     {a, b, c, d, e}
#> Weighting =  identity
#> Chance-Adjusted Categorical Agreement with Bootstrapped CIs
#>         Observed   Expected   Adjusted   lower   upper
#> alpha      0.805      0.240      0.743   0.425       1
#> gamma      0.818      0.190      0.775   0.541       1
#> irsq       0.782      0.233      0.716   0.387       1
#> kappa      0.818      0.233      0.763   0.479       1
#> pi         0.818      0.239      0.761   0.453       1
#> s          0.818      0.200      0.773   0.531       1
# Transform results into a tidy data frame
tidy(results1, type = "perc")
#> # A tibble: 18 x 6
#>    approach weighting term     estimate  lower  upper
#>    <chr>    <chr>     <chr>       <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1 alpha    identity  Observed    0.805  0.600  1    
#>  2 gamma    identity  Observed    0.818  0.216  0.436
#>  3 irsq     identity  Observed    0.782  0.425  1    
#>  4 kappa    identity  Observed    0.818  0.625  1    
#>  5 pi       identity  Observed    0.818  0.144  0.196
#>  6 s        identity  Observed    0.818  0.541  1    
#>  7 alpha    identity  Expected    0.24   0.553  1    
#>  8 gamma    identity  Expected    0.190  0.214  0.387
#>  9 irsq     identity  Expected    0.233  0.387  1    
#> 10 kappa    identity  Expected    0.233  0.625  1    
#> 11 pi       identity  Expected    0.239  0.202  0.421
#> 12 s        identity  Expected    0.2    0.479  1    
#> 13 alpha    identity  Adjusted    0.743  0.625  1    
#> 14 gamma    identity  Adjusted    0.775  0.218  0.424
#> 15 irsq     identity  Adjusted    0.716  0.453  1    
#> 16 kappa    identity  Adjusted    0.763  0.625  1    
#> 17 pi       identity  Adjusted    0.761 NA     NA    
#> 18 s        identity  Adjusted    0.773  0.531  1
# Plot the bootstrap resampling distributions with confidence intervals
#> Warning: Computation failed in `stat_sample_slabinterval()`:
#> need at least two non-NA values to interpolate

Calculate chance-adjusted indexes of categorical agreement for ordered categories

# Load dataset with 5 raters assigning 20 objects to 4 ordered categories
#> # A tibble: 100 x 3
#>    Object Rater Score
#>     <int> <chr> <dbl>
#>  1      1 R1        1
#>  2      1 R2        1
#>  3      1 R3        2
#>  4      1 R4       NA
#>  5      1 R5        2
#>  6      2 R1        1
#>  7      2 R2        1
#>  8      2 R3        0
#>  9      2 R4        1
#> 10      2 R5       NA
#> # ... with 90 more rows
# Calculate all chance-adjusted indexes for ordered categories (linear weights)
results2 <- cat_adjusted(ordered, weighting = "linear")
summary(results2, ci = TRUE, type = "perc")
#> Call:
#> cat_adjusted(.data = ordered, weighting = "linear")
#> Objects =    20
#> Raters =     5
#> Categories =     {0, 1, 2, 3}
#> Weighting =  linear
#> Chance-Adjusted Categorical Agreement with Bootstrapped CIs
#>         Observed   Expected   Adjusted   lower   upper
#> alpha      0.864      0.643      0.618   0.403   0.754
#> gamma      0.859      0.553      0.686   0.557   0.835
#> irsq       0.864      0.638      0.624   0.427   0.756
#> kappa      0.859      0.636      0.614   0.394   0.762
#> pi         0.859      0.648      0.601   0.375   0.747
#> s          0.859      0.583      0.663   0.523   0.803
tidy(results2, type = "perc")
#> # A tibble: 18 x 6
#>    approach weighting term     estimate  lower  upper
#>    <chr>    <chr>     <chr>       <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1 alpha    linear    Observed    0.864  0.809  0.919
#>  2 gamma    linear    Observed    0.859  0.587  0.740
#>  3 irsq     linear    Observed    0.864  0.403  0.754
#>  4 kappa    linear    Observed    0.859  0.801  0.918
#>  5 pi       linear    Observed    0.859  0.467  0.575
#>  6 s        linear    Observed    0.859  0.557  0.835
#>  7 alpha    linear    Expected    0.643  0.811  0.919
#>  8 gamma    linear    Expected    0.553  0.586  0.726
#>  9 irsq     linear    Expected    0.638  0.427  0.756
#> 10 kappa    linear    Expected    0.636  0.801  0.918
#> 11 pi       linear    Expected    0.648  0.576  0.732
#> 12 s        linear    Expected    0.583  0.394  0.762
#> 13 alpha    linear    Adjusted    0.618  0.801  0.918
#> 14 gamma    linear    Adjusted    0.686  0.592  0.741
#> 15 irsq     linear    Adjusted    0.624  0.375  0.747
#> 16 kappa    linear    Adjusted    0.614  0.801  0.918
#> 17 pi       linear    Adjusted    0.601 NA     NA    
#> 18 s        linear    Adjusted    0.663  0.523  0.803
#> Warning: Computation failed in `stat_sample_slabinterval()`:
#> need at least two non-NA values to interpolate

Calculate category-specific agreement

# Calculate category-specific agreement
results3 <- cat_specific(ordered)
summary(results3, ci = TRUE, type = "bca")
#> Call:
#> cat_specific(.data = ordered)
#> Objects =    20
#> Raters =     5
#> Categories =     {0, 1, 2, 3}
#> Category-Specific Agreement with Bootstrapped CIs
#>     Estimate   lower   upper
#> 0      0.812   0.461   0.948
#> 1      0.605   0.369   0.792
#> 2      0.483   0.242   0.767
#> 3      0.519   0.333   0.667
tidy(results3, type = "bca")
#> # A tibble: 4 x 5
#>   approach           category estimate lower upper
#>   <chr>                 <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Specific Agreement        0    0.812 0.461 0.948
#> 2 Specific Agreement        1    0.605 0.369 0.792
#> 3 Specific Agreement        2    0.483 0.242 0.767
#> 4 Specific Agreement        3    0.519 0.333 0.667

Calculate intraclass correlation coefficient for dimensional data with 1 trial

# Load dataset with 4 raters rating 15 objects in 1 trial
#> # A tibble: 60 x 3
#>    Object Rater Score
#>     <int> <chr> <dbl>
#>  1      1 R1      190
#>  2      1 R2      220
#>  3      1 R3      200
#>  4      1 R4      200
#>  5      2 R1      220
#>  6      2 R2      200
#>  7      2 R3      240
#>  8      2 R4      230
#>  9      3 R1      260
#> 10      3 R2      260
#> # ... with 50 more rows
# Calculate average score ICC using Model 1A
results4 <- dim_icc(lungfun, model = "1A", type = "agreement", unit = "average",
                    object = Object, rater = Rater, score = Score, warnings = FALSE)
#> Intraclass Correlation Coefficient Analysis Details
#> Number of Objects    15
#> Number of Raters     4
#> Number of Trials     1
#> Score Missingness    0.000 %
#> Score Number Range   [190, 375]
#> ICC Model            Model 1A
#> ICC Type             Agreement
#> ICC Index            Average of 4 Raters
#> Variance Component Estimates with Bootstrapped CIs
#>                     Estimate     2.5 %     97.5 %
#> Object Variance     1415.913   418.430   2477.863
#> Residual Variance    468.194   154.708    909.378
#> ICC Estimates with Bootstrapped CIs
#>                   Estimate   2.5 %   97.5 %
#> Inter-Rater ICC      0.924   0.713    0.977
#> # A tibble: 3 x 4
#>   term              estimate   lower    upper
#>   <chr>                <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>
#> 1 Object Variance   1416.    418.    2478.   
#> 2 Residual Variance  468.    155.     909.   
#> 3 Inter-Rater ICC      0.924   0.713    0.977
plot(results4, intra = FALSE, inter = TRUE)

Calculate intraclass correlation coefficient for dimensional data with many trials

# Load dataset with 4 raters rating 8 objects in 3 trials
#> # A tibble: 59 x 4
#>    Object Rater Trial Score
#>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1      1     1     1   190
#>  2      1     1     2   220
#>  3      1     2     1   220
#>  4      1     2     2   200
#>  5      1     3     1   200
#>  6      1     3     2   240
#>  7      1     4     1   200
#>  8      1     4     2   230
#>  9      2     1     1   260
#> 10      2     1     2   210
#> # ... with 49 more rows
# Calculate single score ICC using Model 2A
results5 <- dim_icc(lungfun_trials, Object, Rater, Score, trial = Trial, model = "2", 
                    type = "agreement", unit = "single", warnings = FALSE)
#> Intraclass Correlation Coefficient Analysis Details
#> Number of Objects    8
#> Number of Raters     4
#> Number of Trials     3
#> Score Missingness    41.667 %
#> Score Number Range   [190, 375]
#> ICC Model            Model 2
#> ICC Type             Agreement
#> ICC Index            Single Rater
#> Variance Component Estimates with Bootstrapped CIs
#>                              Estimate      2.5 %     97.5 %
#> Object Variance              1652.014    299.866   3031.679
#> Rater Variance                 97.109      3.254    347.156
#> Interaction (OxR) Variance   -102.240   -375.003    -13.511
#> Residual Variance             461.333    217.335    807.058
#> ICC Estimates with Bootstrapped CIs
#>                   Estimate   2.5 %   97.5 %
#> Intra-Rater ICC      0.791   0.446    0.892
#> Inter-Rater ICC      0.747   0.272    0.872
#> # A tibble: 6 x 4
#>   term              estimate    lower    upper
#>   <chr>                <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
#> 1 Object Variance   1652.     300.    3032.   
#> 2 Rater Variance      97.1      3.25   347.   
#> 3 O-by-R Variance   -102.    -375.     -13.5  
#> 4 Residual Variance  461.     217.     807.   
#> 5 Intra-Rater ICC      0.791    0.446    0.892
#> 6 Inter-Rater ICC      0.747    0.272    0.872

Code of Conduct

Please note that the ‘agreement’ project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.