JavaScript snippet to create a super-light-weight (1.49kb uncompressed, 0.71kb compressed, 0.35kb gzipped), usable and reliable quantity input that replaces the horrible, fiddly little input buttons built in to the number
input in the browser. It is written using ES6 modules, so will need to be transpiled for older browsers.
You can install either by copying the files from this repository or running npm i @ohepworthbell\quantityinput
<fieldset id="your-element"></fieldset>
// export default class QuantityInput { ... }
// Import QuantityInput.js (ES6)
import QuantityInput from './quantityinput.js';
// Get element to add QuantityInput to
let element = document.getElementById('your-element');
* @class
* @function QuantityInput
* @param element the wrapping element to display the form
* @param {String} decreaseText (optional) text for 'decrease' button
* @param {String} increaseText (optional) text for 'increase' button
new QuantityInput(element);
new QuantityInput(element, decreaseText, increaseText);
// Example
element.changeQuantity = new QuantityInput(element, 'Minus 1', 'Add 1'));
- Provide transpiled/compressed variants
Allow for typing in numbers to input (including pattern regex for smartphones/tablets)
Any feedback or bugs, please raise an issue