Hunter College CS Certification Summer 2022

main working repo Summer Classes

CSCI70900 - Programming in a high level language

Zoom and Class Discussion Links

Nota bene: This page (the "main" readme for this github repo) will display general resources. For day-to-day affairs, including assignments and code, you will want to bookmark the "daily" subdirectory and have it open during each session.

Setting up your summer work repository

You can follow this video to set up your summer work repository:

The steps are also sumarized here:

  1. Create a GitHub account (you all should already have done this for prewrok).
  2. Click on this link to accept the assignment:
  3. You can reload the page after a minute if it doesn't refresn and then click the repo link. Bookmark this.
  4. Go to
  5. Log in by clicking on the "Continue with GitHub" button to connect to your GitHub account.
  6. Create a new repl and then click the "import from GitHub" button on the upper right of the dialog.
  7. Specify the GitHub repo that you created when you accepted the assignment. It should be something like hunter-teacher-cert/cohort-3-summer-work-githubname where githubname is your GitHub username.
  8. Edit the file to fill in the info at the top.
  9. Click the "Version" button on the right, add a messed describing what you did and click the "commit and push" button.
  10. You can then reload the GitHub page to make sure the changes took.

Throughout the summer, you'll use to write programs. You should sync them to GitHub using the same steps you used for the prework.

Text and related resources

Our work repos