Live Football World Cup Score Board

The purpose of this library is to offer you premade components for showing a football world cup score board.


  • We're using id as an alternative to a game start time (we assume that a game with a lower id started before a game with a higher id)
  • As we're using Typescript, we're not validating for the correct input, and the library has shortcomings if used inside a JS project.
  • We're assuming that we don't get a list of games with a duplicated id

Running the example

npm run dev will start a dev server with the Example.tsx showing a usecase for useLiveGames custom hook. Once running you can check http://localhost:5173/ in your browser.


The library is made out of 3 parts.


A basic visual component that displays the team names and their respective scores.

 const game: Game = {id: 1, home: 'Home team', away: 'Away team', score: {homeScore: 0, awayScore: 1}};

 <GameScore game={game} />


A basic visual component that displays a table of game scores.

const games: Game[] = [
    {id: 1, home: 'Home team 1', away: 'Away team 1', score: {homeScore: 0, awayScore: 1}},
    {id: 2, home: 'Home team 2', away: 'Away team 2', score: {homeScore: 2, awayScore: 1}},

<GameScoreTable games={games}/>


A custom React hook that allows you to manage your live games. Check Example.tsx for a simple use case for useLiveGames and GameScoreTable.

const [games, {addGame, finishGame, updateGame}] = useLiveGames();  


This method allows you to add new games.

const [games, {addGame, finishGame, updateGame}] = useLiveGames();  

addGame({id: 1, home: 'Home team 1', away: 'Away team 1', score: {homeScore: 0, awayScore: 1}});


This method allows you to update the score of an existing game.

const [games, {addGame, finishGame, updateGame}] = useLiveGames();  

//  id, score
updateGame(1, {homeScore: 0, awayScore: 1}});


This method allows you to finish an existing game.

const [games, {addGame, finishGame, updateGame}] = useLiveGames();  

//  id


npm run build will create the dist folder for the library.

Running tests

npm run test for running the test suite while watching for file changes.

npm run coverage for running the tests with code coverage.

Code coverage