
A reaction-diffusion system using the Gray Scott model


reaction-diffusion exports a single class, ReactionDiffusion which is instantiated with the paramters for the system.

import ReactionDiffusion from "reaction-diffusion";
// Or if you're not using ES6 modules:
// const ReactionDefault = require("reaction-diffusion").default;

// Size of the grid
const size = 200;
// Diffusion rates
const diffuseA = 1.0;
const diffuseB = 0.5;
const feedRate = 0.055;
const killRate = 0.062;

const diffusion = new ReactionDiffusion(

Starting the reaction

To fill the grid with some starting "chemicals" use the fill method.

This would fill a rectangle at coordinates (50, 150) that is 10 pixels wide and 20 pixels tall.

diffusion.fill(50, 150, 10, 20)

Now you need to manually call the tick method so that it processes the next step in the reaction-diffusion process. This is something you'd usually do within your requestAnimationFrame calback before using any of the values

Processing the next step


Using the grid values

The sytem is accessible via the grid property, which is a square grid of size width and size height. It's an array of arrays, so to access the cell at (50, 150) you would do:


Each cell is an object with an a and b property, which will be bewteen 0 and 1. The system is setup so that b is the starting chemical and will diffuse into a.

Before the next tick...

Before the next tick you'll want to call swap. It uses a double-buffer which currently needs to be explicitly swapped before the next tick or else the system will stall
