
get 'url' key value from links collection entry

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I'm trying to get the 'url' value from a link entry object. I typically work with javascript and json so I expected to be able to do something in php like,


that format gives me what I want for keys like, $link_entry->total_unique_clicks

but for url I get the 'self_link' value (without the aweber root).

For instance if I echo a link entry formatted as I would expect a json object. I get something that looks like,

{ "total_unique_clicks":1, "clicks_collection_link":"https:\/\/\/1.0\/accounts\/530794\/lists\/1738491\/campaigns\/b12999136\/links\/311\/clicks", "url":"http:\/\/", "self_link":"https:\/\/\/1.0\/accounts\/530794\/lists\/1738491\/campaigns\/b12999136\/links\/311", "resource_type_link":"https:\/\/\/1.0\/#link", }

if I echo $link_entry->url I get,


This is probably me not knowing some php magic. How would I get the value of the 'url' key?

I worked around this issue by copying the object to an array

function objToArray($r) { $a = array(); foreach($r as $k => $v) { $a[$k] = $v; } return $a; }

Then I can access the value using $le['url'].

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[AWeber] Re: [AWeber-API-PHP-Library] get 'url' key value from links collection entry (#13) (ticket #102989)


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AWeber - Steve Elsner, Feb 17 04:59 pm (EST):

Hi Jack,
This does work counter-intuitively. It's a limitation of our PHP Client Library at present, but there is a workaround:

    $this_is_an_array = $link_entry->attrs();
    echo $this_is_an_array["url"]."\n";

Our dev team is aware of this issue, though there is no ETA on a fix. It will not likely be until the next major Client Library version, so I recommend sticking with the workaround above.

Incidentally, attrs() is a function on our aweber_entity objects that simply returns an array of all of the object's attributes, so you can iterate through it, or to a print_r() to examine its contents.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Hope this helps,
Steve Elsner
Web Operations Specialist

Jack Alves, Feb 10 08:55 pm (EST):

I'm trying to get the 'url' value from a link entry object. I typically work with javascript and json so I expected to be able to do something in php like,


that format gives me what I want for keys like, $link_entry->total_unique_clicks

but for url I get the 'self_link' value (without the aweber root).

For instance if I echo a link entry formatted as I would expect a json object. I get something that looks like,

{ "total_unique_clicks":1, "clicks_collection_link":"https:\/\/\/1.0\/accounts\/530794\/lists\/1738491\/campaigns\/b12999136\/links\/311\/clicks", "url":"http:\/\/", "self_link":"https:\/\/\/1.0\/accounts\/530794\/lists\/1738491\/campaigns\/b12999136\/links\/311", "resource_type_link":"https:\/\/\/1.0\/#link", }

if I echo $link_entry->url I get,


This is probably me not knowing some php magic. How would I get the value of the 'url' key?

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