Full Instructions With Walkthrough Slides
0. Prerequisites.
- A GitHub account.
- An Argo CD Instance. (If attending the Webinar we will provide one for you to use.)
1. Fork The Example Repo.
- Open https://github.com/dhpup/argo101
- Click “Fork”.
2. In your forked Repo enable GitHub Actions.
- Click "Actions" in the top bar at GitHub.com in your repo.
- Enable GitHub Actions workflows to be executed.
3. In our CI steps, we're going to update the image version.
- Click into the GitHub Actions YAML file here: GitHub Actions CI Steps
- Adjust the env version to 1.21.6
- Commit the changes on GitHub.
- Once the GitHub Actions build completes, you can verify the changes were made to your staging environment YAML here: Staging Environment Kustomization
4. Next Open the Argo CD UI & Add your application YAML.
- Open the Webinar Argo CD UI here: Argo CD UI for Argo 101 Webinar | Or use your own Argo CD instance.
- If you're attending the webinar, then continue to the next step as you won't need to login to Argo CD. If not then you will first need to login to Argo CD.
- Click "+ New App" (Top Left), then configure the following settings.
Application Name: Your GitHub Username
Project: Default
Sync Policy: Manual
Source Repo: Paste the link to your forked repo. (e.g. https://github.com/dhpup/argo101)
Source Path: In the dropdown select nginx/env/stage
Destination: https://kubernetes.default.svc
Namespace: default
- Click "Sync" in the Argo CD UI to deploy your application.
5. Deploy a new artifact version.
- Click into the GitHub Actions YAML file here: GitHub Actions CI Steps
- Adjust the env version to 1.21.622
- Commit the changes to GitHub.
- Wait for GitHub Action to complete.
- Argo CD will detect the drift.
- Click "Sync" to deploy this new version.
6. Troubleshooting the deployment.
- Once you sync the new artifact, you will notice your application is in an unhealthy state.
- Follow the red statuses on Argo CD and you can figure out why.
- Click into the unhealthy pod then check the events and logs.
- Rollback the deployment.