
A small application to send (and hopefully) receive SMS messages through the flowroute API

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Flowroute-messenger is software that I am using to send and recieve SMS messages through the RESTful API provided by flowroute.


I strongly recommend the use of python virtualenvs. With virtualenvwrapper, this can be done with

mkvirtualenv flowroute

API Keys

The API authentication information is saved in a file called secrets.yml. Edit the secrets.yml.default file in the flowroute directory to add your API keys and rename it to secrets.yml.

Installation with pip

After creating a virtualenv (or not, for a system-wide installation) and creating a secrets.yml file, the package can be installed with pip.

cd flowroute-messenger
pip3 install .  


Sending messages

the sendmessage utility that is installed with the package can send SMS messages from the command line.

$ sendmessage -h 
usage: sendmessage [-h] from to message

Simple utility to send messages through the Flowroute API

positional arguments:
  from        The number to send from
  to          The number to send to
  message     The message body

Recieving messages

Also included in the package is smslistener, which is currently set up to autoreply to any messages it recieves with a blurb about how I have moved to the UK (which was the motivation behind this project). It is designed to be deployed to a wsgi server (like apache mod_wsgi). In order to recieve messages with it at all, it is neccesary to open port 1997 (this is configurable in listener.py) to the public internet and configure the SMS callback url in the Flowroute API control panel.