
Bash scripting, GitHub PRs management, Ansible

Primary LanguageShell

Scripting assignments

Turn this one-liner into a nice script:

sudo netstat -tunapl | awk '/firefox/ {print $5}' | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort | tail -n5 | grep -oP '(\d+\.){3}\d+' | while read IP ; do whois $IP | awk -F':' '/^Organization/ {print $2}' ; done
  • 1 point for parametrization: you might want to enter PID or name of another process as an argument
  • 1 point for parametrization: you might want to see more results
  • 1 point for parametrization: you might want to see other connection states
  • 1 point for securing script execution and nice error messages
  • 2 points for writing a README.md for what your script does
  • 2 points for adding count of connections per organization to the final output
  • 2 points for rewriting the functionality differently, say using ss, sed, built-ins like "${VAR%%:*}" (might be a separate script)


  • you probably should start with sudo netstat -tunapl | less # mnemonic is 'tuna, please'
  • progress through pipes until it becomes clear what the thing is doing

Become financial guru

# Download the database
curl -s https://yandex.ru/news/quotes/graph_2000.json > ./quotes.json

Now you have historical quotes for EUR/RUB pair since late November 2014. It's time to have some fun:

# let's get the mean value for the last 14 days and decide whether to buy Euros:
jq -r '.prices[][]' quotes.json | grep -oP '\d+\.\d+' | tail -n 14 | awk -v mean=0 '{mean+=$1} END {print mean/14}'
  • try to understand the command above. Read something related to jq and awk.
  • remove the grep -oP '\d+\.\d+' part, do the same thing without any pattern matching
  • tell me which March the price was the least volatile since 2015? To do so you'll have to find the difference between MIN and MAX values for the period.


  • man date
  • Yandex likes zeroes!

Unleash your creativity with GitHub

  • write a script that checks if there are open pull requests for a repository. An url like https://github.com/$user/$repo will be passed to the script
  • print the list of the most productive contributors (authors of more than 1 open PR)
  • print the number of PRs each contributor has created with the labels
  • implement your own feature that you find the most attractive: anything from sorting to comment count or even fancy output format
  • ask your chat mate to review your code and create a meaningful pull request
  • do the same for her xD
  • merge your fellow PR! We will see the repo history


Ansible assignment

Create and deploy your own service

The development stage:

For the true enterprise grade system we will need Python3, Flask and emoji support. Why on Earth would we create stuff that does not support emoji?!

  • the service listens at least on port 80
  • the service accepts GET and POST methods
  • the service should receive JSON object and return a string decorated with your favorite emoji in the following manner:
curl -XPOST -d'{"word":"evilmartian", "count": 3}' http://myvm.localhost/

curl -XPOST -d'{"word":"mice", "count": 5}' http://myvm.localhost/
  • bonus points for being creative when serving /


The operating stage:

  • create an ansible playbook that deploys the service to the VM
  • make sure all the components you need are installed and all the directories for the app are present
  • configure systemd so that the application starts after reboot
  • secure the VM so that our product is not stolen: allow connections only to the ports 22,80,443. Disable root login. Disable all authentication methods except 'public keys'.
  • bonus points for SSL/HTTPS support with self-signed certificates
  • bonus points for using ansible vault


  • task:verify
  • iptables, sshd_config
  • good luck! ¯_(ツ)_/¯