
Ansible Role for Helm, the Kubernetes package manager

MIT LicenseMIT

Ansible Role: Helm, the Kubernetes package manager

An Ansible Role that installs Helm on Linux.



Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):

If no version is specified, the latest version for the linux-amd64 platform will be installed. Available Helm releases.

helm_version: 3.2.1
helm_platform: linux
helm_arch: amd64

If no custom path to the main Helm repo is specified, URL of the official Helm repo is used, https://get.helm.sh

helm_repo_path: https://get.helm.sh

If no directory is specified for the helm binary placing, /usr/local/bin is used.

helm_bin_dir: $HOME/.local/bin

If the directory for downloading and extracting the release archive is not specified, /tmp is used.

helm_download_dir: $HOME/Downloads

List of user environment files to add conditional export to the system PATH of a directory with the app binary.
Only existing files with write access for the current ansible_user will be processed.
If not specified, empty list is used.

  - $HOME/.profile
  - $HOME/.bashrc
  - $HOME/.zshenv

NOTE: By default, the base tasks of a role are skipped if the application is already installed in the desired
bin directory and no version upgrade is required.
    If you want to add a conditional export to the system PATH of a directory with the app binary, after the Playbook
has already been run once, you can force the launch base role tasks by defining the update_apps variable
and adding helm to the list. For example:

$ ansible-playbook main.yaml -e "update_apps=[helm]"

This approach is also used to force an update to the latest available release.



Example Playbook

- hosts: all
    - role: ansible-role-helm
      helm_bin_dir: $HOME/.local/bin
