
Ansible Role for Kitty terminal emulator

MIT LicenseMIT

Ansible Role: Kitty terminal emulator

An Ansible Role that installs Kitty on Linux.



Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):

# If no version is specified, the latest version will be installed.
kitty_version: 0.24.1

# If no installation prefix is specified, during installation, the kitty.app directory
# with app binaries will be placed in the standard installation script location, ~/.local.
kitty_install_dir: $HOME/.kitty

# The path containing a symbolic link to the main Kitty program in the installation directory.
# If not specified, the link and its containing directory will not be created.
kitty_bin_dir: $HOME/.local/bin

# The path containing a modified copy of standard kitty.desktop file from the installation directory.
# If not specified, the copy of .desktop file and its containing directory will not be created.
kitty_desktop_file_dir: $HOME/.local/share/applications

# If the directory for downloading installation script and release tarball is not specified,
# /tmp/kitty-installer-ansible is used.
kitty_download_dir: $HOME/Downloads/kitty

# List of user environment files to add conditional export to the system PATH of a directory with link to the app binary.
# Only existing files with write access for the current ansible_user will be processed.
# If not specified, empty list is used.
  - $HOME/.profile
  - $HOME/.bashrc
  - $HOME/.zshenv

NOTE: By default, the base tasks of a role are skipped if the application is already installed in the desired
installation directory and no version upgrade is required.
    If you want to create a symbolic link to the main Kitty program in the bin directory, or add a conditional export
to the system PATH of a directory with a link to the app binary, and create the appropriate directories as needed,
after the Playbook has already been run once, you can force the launch base role tasks by defining
the update_apps variable and adding kitty to the list. For example:

$ ansible-playbook main.yaml -e "update_apps=[kitty]"

This approach is also used to force an update to the latest available release.



Example Playbook

- hosts: all
    - role: ansible-role-kitty
      kitty_bin_dir: $HOME/.local/bin
      kitty_desktop_file_dir: $HOME/.local/share/applications
