
Another self-hosted Github actions runner

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Github Actions Runner

GitHub GitHub aweris/github-actions-runner on DockerHub GitHub

Another self-hosted Github actions runner.


  • Auto register and remove
  • Support organization level runners
  • Support runner self-update

How to Deploy


docker run aweris/gar:2.292.0 --github-token <pat> --url https://github.com/<your-repo-goes-here>

Helm Chart

Example deployment with helm chart aweris/gar. Please check chart repo for configuration options

  • Add Helm repository
helm repo add aweris https://aweris.github.io/charts/
  • Update helm repositories
helm repo update
  • Create Github Authentication Secret

Create secret using personal access token:

kubectl create secret generic github-auth --from-literal=pat=<PAT>

Create secret using Github application credentials:

kubectl create secret generic  github-auth --from-literal=appId=<Github Application ID> \
                                           --from-literal=installationId=<Github Application Installation ID> \
                                           --from-file=privateKey=<Path for the private key file>
  • Create values.yaml
  url: https://github.com/<your-repo-goes-here>
    - foo
    - bar
    existingSecret: github-auth
  • Install :
helm upgrade --install --values values.yaml runner aweris/gar


Using executable (with CLI args)

Usage of gar:
      --github-token string   Personal access token for authenticate to GitHub
  -l, --labels stringArray    Custom labels for the runner
      --name string           Name of the runner (default "<hostname>")
      --once                  Runner executes only single job
      --replace               Replace any existing runner with the same name (default true)
      --runner-path string    Path of the local runner installation (default "/runner")
      --url string            Repository or Organization url for runner registration
      --version               Prints version info
      --work-dir string       Working directory for the runner (default "/_work")

Environment variables

Environment variables sets property value if it's not set from arguments. CLI arguments has higher priority except RUNNER_LABELS.

Name Property Description
GITHUB_TOKEN --github-token
REG_URL --url
RUNNER_PATH --runner-path
RUNNER_LABELS --labels Comma separated list. Merge values with property


usage: make [target] ...

targets : 

gar              Builds gar binary
vendor           Updates vendored copy of dependencies
fix              Fix found issues (if it's supported by the $(GOLANGCILINT))
fmt              Runs gofmt
lint             Runs golangci-lint analysis
clean            Cleanup everything
test             Runs go test
install-tools    Install tools
help             Shows this help message

Authors and Acknowledgement
