In order to use this application you have to install dependencies first
npm install
In order to run this application you can execuite the following comand
npm start
If you want to start the application on a port different from 8080 (which is the default port) use the following command and choose the port you prefer.
npm start --expenses-tracker:port=8888
docker build --rm --tag expenses-tracker /path/to/project
docker run -p 8088:80 -it expenses-tracker # shows the logs direcly in the terminal
docker run -p 8088:80 -d expenses-tracker # should return the container_id
docker logs -f {container_id}
ansible-playbook -i env/digitalocean site.yml --extra-vars="ansible_user=root ansible_password={password} ansible_ssh_common_args='-o PreferredAuthentications=password'"