
Collection of (hopefully) useful tools for TON

Primary LanguageShell


This repository contains collection of helpful tools for TON Network.


Python scripts require pyTON and tvm-valuetypes libraries.

Node related

Those scripts are helpful for anyone who wishes to operate a TON Node. Located under /node path:

IP Conversion

  • dec2ip.py will convert decimal IP address representation into IPV4 format.
  • ip2dec.py will convert decimal IPV4 IP address into decimal format.

Both scripts will properly convert to and from negative decimals to be used in node configuration.

Key files conversion

  • key2b64.py will convert key file to base64 representation for later usage in config files.

Config generators

  • mkcontrol.sh: Generates JSON structure for validator / node console needed for node config.json file
  • mklite.sh: Generates JSON structure for lite server listener needed for node config.json file
  • mkpub_dht.sh: Generates JSON structure that can be used as server definition in network configuration files, requires presence of generate-random-id in path.


Here you can find example control scripts for services, at the moment daemontools run files to control node as well as dht server.

Node run script is tuned to run more then one instance of full node / validator per host. This will probably not be needed in live environment but was/is very handy in test setups.



  • parse_addr.py will parse addr file and return address information in human readable format or json structure. Start without parameters to see usage instructions.