- 2
Add IconicFonts
#128 opened by mdSlash - 0
Add direnv
#118 opened by hyperupcall - 0
Add bashbro
#124 opened by AdamDanischewski - 0
Add table of contents
#121 opened by hyperupcall - 0
Thank you for sharing,
#122 opened by codiggermkt - 0
Add Basalt
#119 opened by hyperupcall - 0
Proposal: Add
#116 opened by hyperupcall - 0
Add Sherver, a Pure Bash lightweight web server
#72 opened by aloisdg - 0
Request: Add explainshell
#88 opened by fbnmtz - 0
Add this to BASH FAQ #52
#47 opened by unixbhaskar - 3
- 0
Hicham der kein GIT Yub hatte
#91 opened by Alphanummeric - 1
In GCM 2.3 we dropped the symlinks.
#100 opened by Alphanummeric - 0
_Originally posted by @faisal0980p
#103 opened by faisal0980p - 0
- [x] - [****]()
#104 opened by faisal0980p - 0
#101 opened by faisal0980p - 1
#102 opened by faisal0980p - 1
#105 opened by faisal0980p - 3
My Contribution Scripts?
#93 opened by lexterror - 0
#92 opened by Alphanummeric - 1
Freenode is dead.
#89 opened by NOVATechnocrat - 14
Is this actively maintained?
#68 opened by Knusper - 1
Are bash scripts that are 'just for fun' allowed?
#76 opened by talwat - 0
Write contribution guidelines
#5 opened by aloisdg - 0
Add Colodebug?
#70 opened by aloisdg - 4
- 2
Broken link goes to domain seller
#49 opened by HenrikBengtsson - 2
- 1
Create new issue
#24 opened by smalyutina - 1
Create new folder
#23 opened by smalyutina - 3
Add bpkg - bash's "package manager"
#10 opened by tunnckoCore - 2
IRC not found
#1 opened by aloisdg