Dataset Introduction

TFH_Annotated_Dataset is an annotated patent dataset pertaining to thin film head technology in hard-disk. To the best of our knowledge, this is the second labeled patent dataset public available in technology management domain that annotates both entities and the semantic relations between entities, the first one is [1].

The well-crafted information schema used for patent annotation contains 17 types of entities and 15 types of semantic relations as shown below.

Table 1 The specification of entity types

Type Comment example
physical flow substance that flows freely The etchant solution has a suitable solvent additive such as glycerol or methyl cellulose
information flow information data A camera using a film having a magnetic surface for recording magnetic data thereon
energy flow entity relevant to energy Conductor is utilized for producing writing flux in magnetic yoke
measurement method of measuring something The curing step takes place at the substrate temperature less than
value numerical amount The curing step takes place at the substrate temperature less than
location place or position The legs are thinner near the pole tip than in the back gap region
state particular condition at a specific time The MR elements are biased to operate in a magnetically unsaturated mode
effect change caused an innovation Magnetic disk system permits accurate alignment of magnetic head with spaced tracks
function manufacturing technique or activity A magnetic head having highly efficient write and read functions is thereby obtained
shape the external form or outline of something Recess is filled with non-magnetic material such as glass
component a part or element of a machine A pole face of yoke is adjacent edge of element remote from surface
attribution a quality or feature of something A pole face of yoke is adjacent edge of element remote from surface
consequence The result caused by something or activity This prevents the slider substrate from electrostatic damage
system a set of things working together as a whole A digital recording system utilizing a magnetoresistive transducer in a magnetic recording head
material the matter from which a thing is made Interlayer may comprise material such as Ta
scientific concept terminology used in scientific theory Peak intensity ratio represents an amount hydrophilic radical
other Not belongs to the above entity types Pressure distribution across air bearing surface is substantially symmetrical side

Table 2 The specification of relation types

spatial relation specify how one entity is located in relation to others Gap spacer material is then deposited on the film knife-edge
part-of the ownership between two entities a magnetic head has a magnetoresistive element
causative relation one entity operates as a cause of the other entity Pressure pad carried another arm of spring urges film into contact with head
operation specify the relation between an activity and its object Heat treatment improves the (100) orientation
made-of one entity is the material for making the other entity The thin film head includes a substrate of electrically insulative material
instance-of the relation between a class and its instance At least one of the magnetic layer is a free layer
attribution one entity is an attribution of the other entity The thin film has very high heat resistance of remaining stable at
generating one entity generates another entity Buffer layer resistor create impedance that noise introduced to head from disk of drive
purpose relation between reason/result conductor is utilized for producing writing flux in magnetic yoke
in-manner-of do something in certain way The linear array is angled at a skew angle
alias one entity is also known under another entity’s name The bias structure includes an antiferromagnetic layer AFM
formation an entity acts as a role of the other entity Windings are joined at end to form center tapped winding
comparison compare one entity to the other First end is closer to recording media use than second end
measurement one entity acts as a way to measure the other entity This provides a relative permeance of at least 1000
other not belongs to the above types Then, MR resistance estimate during polishing step is calculated from S value and K value

There are 1010 patent abstracts with 3,986 sentences in this corpus . We use a web-based annotation tool named Brat[2] for data labeling, and the annotated data is saved in '.ann' format. The benefit of 'ann' is that you can display and manipulate the annotated data once the is unzipped under corresponding repository of Brat, here we provide a demo as shown in Fig. 1, you can also visit the demo via BRAT DEMO.

check ./image/brat_example.png if the image can't be loaded

Fig. 1 The demo of TFH_Annotated_Dataset

TFH_Annotated_Dataset contains 22,833 entity mentions and 17,412 semantic relation mentions. The statistics of entity and semantic relation types are illustrated in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3, respectively.

check ./image/entity_histogram.png if the image can't be loaded

Fig. 2 The distribution of different semantic relation types.

check ./image/relation_histogram.png if the image can't be loaded

Fig. 3 The distribution of different semantic relation types.

Information extraction results with deep learning models

With TFH_Annotated_Dataset, we run two tasks of information extraction including named entity recognition with BiLSTM-CRF[3] and semantic relation extractionand with BiGRU-2ATTENTION[4]. For improving semantic representation of patent language, the word embeddings are trained with the abstract of 46,302 patents regarding magnetic head in hard disk drive, which turn out to improve the performance of named entity recognition by 0.3% and semantic relation extraction by about 2% in weighted average F1, compared to GloVe and the patent word embedding provided by Risch et al[5].

For named entity recognition, the weighted-average precision, recall, F1-value of BiLSTM-CRF on entity-level for the test set are 78.5%, 78.0%, and 78.2%, respectively. Although such performance is acceptable, it is still lower than its performance on general-purpose dataset by more than 10% in F1-value. The main reason is the limited amount of labeled dataset.

The precision, recall, and F1-value for each type of entity is shown in Fig. 4.

check ./image/entity_identification_mk_46.png if the image can't be loaded

Fig.4 Result of BiLSTM-CRF for named entity recognition.

As to relation extraction, the weighted-average precision, recall, F1-value of BiGRU-2ATTENTION for the test set are 89.7%, 87.9%, and 88.6% with no_edge relations, and 32.3%, 41.5%, 36.3% without no_edge relations.

The precision, recall, and F1-value for each type of relation is shown in Fig. 5.

check ./image/relation_extraction_MH_46.png if the image can't be loaded

Fig. 5 Result of BiGRU-HAN for semantic relation extraction.


A BRAT system is provided to view the data in TFH_ANNOTATED_DATASET.

The result produced by model trained with TFH_ANNOTATED_DATASET

Another BRAT system is provided to view the information extraction results of 575 new patent abstracts.

As BRAT is an experimental platform, the service is not stable, if you can't visit these BRATs, please contact me via

Academic citing

Chen, L., Xu, S*., Zhu, L. et al. A deep learning based method for extracting semantic information from patent documents. Scientometrics 125, 289–312 (2020).

Paper link


[1] Pérez-Pérez, M., Pérez-Rodríguez, G., Vazquez, M., Fdez-Riverola, F., Oyarzabal, J., Oyarzabal, J., Valencia,A., Lourenço, A., & Krallinger, M. (2017). Evaluation of chemical and gene/protein entity recognition systems at BioCreative V.5: The CEMP and GPRO patents tracks. In Proceedings of the Bio-Creative V.5 challenge evaluation workshop, pp. 11–18.

[2] Stenetorp, P., Pyysalo, S., Topić, G., Ohta, T., Ananiadou, S., & Tsujii, J. I. (2012). BRAT: a web-based tool for NLP-assisted text annotation. In Proceedings of the Demonstrations at the 13th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (pp. 102-107)

[3] Huang, Z., Xu, W., &Yu, K. (2015). Bidirectional LSTM-CRF models for sequence tagging. arXiv preprint arXiv:1508.01991

[4] Han,X., Gao,T., Yao,Y., Ye,D., Liu,Z., Sun, M.(2019). OpenNRE: An Open and Extensible Toolkit for Neural Relation Extraction. arXiv preprint arXiv: 1301.3781

[5] Risch, J., & Krestel, R. (2019). Domain-specific word embeddings for patent classification. Data Technologies and Applications, 53(1), 108–122.