Reactivesearch Starter App

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Step-by-step guide available at ReactiveSearch Quickstart Doc.


yarn && yarn start

should open something like this


The ReactiveSearch components code resides in src/App.js file. For building this app, we use:

  1. for the search backend: You can use ReactiveSearch as a hosted Elasticsearch or OpenSearch cloud service, or connect to an existing Elasticsearch or OpenSearch deployment
  2. A simple flex based layout system, you can use Materialize's or Bootstrap's grid, or roll your own layout - the ReactiveSearch components are layout agnostic.
  3. The following components:
  • ReactiveBase - ReactiveBase is the provider component that connects the UI with the backend app.
  • SearchBox - SearchBox component provides a search box UI relevant suggestions.
  • MultiList - MultiList component is used for displaying facets with an option to perform multiple selections.
  • SingleRange - SingleRange component is used for displaying the star ratings.
  • ResultCard - ResultCard component is used for displaying the hits as a card layout.