
Self-hosted document converting service with RESTful API

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

docsbox Build Status

$ curl -F "file=@kittens.docx" http://dev.scrib.ro/api/v1/

    "id": "9b643d78-d0c8-4552-a0c5-111a89896176",
    "status": "queued"

$ curl http://dev.scrib.ro/api/v1/9b643d78-d0c8-4552-a0c5-111a89896176

    "id": "9b643d78-d0c8-4552-a0c5-111a89896176",
    "result_url": "/media/9b643d78-d0c8-4552-a0c5-111a89896176.zip",
    "status": "finished"

$ curl -O http://dev.scrib.ro/media/9b643d78-d0c8-4552-a0c5-111a89896176.zip

$ unzip -l 9b643d78-d0c8-4552-a0c5-111a89896176.zip 

Archive:  9b643d78-d0c8-4552-a0c5-111a89896176.zip
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
    11135  2016-07-08 05:31   txt
   373984  2016-07-08 05:31   pdf
   147050  2016-07-08 05:31   html
---------                     -------
   532169                     3 files
$ cat options.json 
  "formats": ["pdf"],
  "thumbnails": {
    "size": "640x480",

$ curl -i -F "file=@kittens.ppt" -F "options=<options.json" http://dev.scrib.ro/api/v1/

  "id": "afb58e2b-78fa-4dd7-b7f9-a64f75f50cb1",
  "status": "queued"

$ curl http://dev.scrib.ro/api/v1/afb58e2b-78fa-4dd7-b7f9-a64f75f50cb1

  "id": "afb58e2b-78fa-4dd7-b7f9-a64f75f50cb1",
  "status": "finished",
  "result_url": "/media/afb58e2b-78fa-4dd7-b7f9-a64f75f50cb1.zip"

$ curl -O http://dev.scrib.ro/media/afb58e2b-78fa-4dd7-b7f9-a64f75f50cb1.zip

$ unzip -l afb58e2b-78fa-4dd7-b7f9-a64f75f50cb1.zip
Archive:  afb58e2b-78fa-4dd7-b7f9-a64f75f50cb1.zip
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
   779820  2016-07-10 02:02   pdf
   177357  2016-07-10 02:02   thumbnails/0.png
   130923  2016-07-10 02:02   thumbnails/30.png
---------                     -------
 13723770                     32 files


POST (multipart/form-data) /api/v1/
options={ # json, optional
    "formats": ["pdf"] # desired formats to be converted in, optional
    "thumbnails": { # optional
        "size": "320x240",

GET /api/v1/{task_id}


Currently, installing powered by docker-compose:

$ git clone https://github.com/docsbox/docsbox.git && cd docsbox
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up

It'll start this services:

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                 COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
7ce674173732        docsbox_nginx         "/usr/sbin/nginx"        8 minutes ago       Up 8 minutes>80/tcp       docsbox_nginx_1
f6b55773c71d        docsbox_rqworker      "rq worker -c docsbox"   15 minutes ago      Up 8 minutes                                 docsbox_rqworker_1
662b08daefea        docsbox_rqscheduler   "rqscheduler -H redis"   15 minutes ago      Up 8 minutes                                 docsbox_rqscheduler_1
0364df126b36        docsbox_web           "gunicorn -b :8000 do"   15 minutes ago      Up 8 minutes        8000/tcp                 docsbox_web_1
5e8c8481e288        redis:latest          "docker-entrypoint.sh"   9 hours ago         Up 8 minutes>6379/tcp   docsbox_redis_1

Settings (env)

REDIS_URL - redis-server url (default: redis://redis:6379/0)
REDIS_JOB_TIMEOUT - job timeout (default: 10 minutes)
ORIGINAL_FILE_TTL - TTL for uploaded file in seconds (default: 10 minutes)
RESULT_FILE_TTL - TTL for result file in seconds (default: 24 hours)
LIBREOFFICE_PATH - path to libreoffice (default: /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/)

Supported filetypes

Input Output Thumbnails
Document (doc docx odt) pdf txt html yes
Presentation (ppt pptx odp) pdf html yes
Spreadsheet (xls xlsx ods) pdf csv html yes