Sports Event Registration System

The Sports Event Registration System is a web application that allows users to register for sports events happening on a particular day. It includes both the frontend user interface and a backend service for managing users and event registrations.


User registration and login. Viewing a list of all available events. Registering for events. Unregistering from events. Viewing a list of events for which the user has registered. Event cards display event name, category, timings, and registration buttons. Error handling and notifications.


The system follows a client-server architecture, with the frontend built using ReactJS and the backend implemented with Java and Spring Boot. Below is a high-level diagram of the system architecture:

System Architecture

Backend API Endpoints

The backend provides the following API endpoints:

Create User

POST /user/create

Login User

POST /user/login

Get All Events List

GET /events/all

Get All Registered Events List

GET /events/{username}

Register Event

POST /event/register

Unregister Event

DELETE /event/unregister

Installation and Setup

Clone this repository:

UI Setup

git clone

Navigate to the project directory:

cd sports-event-registration

Install frontend dependencies: npm install

Start the React development server: npm start

Backend Setup:

git clone

Install Java and Spring Boot dependencies.

Run the Spring Boot application.

Configure database connection in the backend application properties.

Access the web application in your browser:

Frontend: http://localhost:3000 Backend: http://localhost:8080