
Desktop application supporting symmetric encryption for user-defined credentials :closed_lock_with_key:

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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Desktop application supporting encryption for user-defined credentials 🔐

Welcome Window Credential Form
Welcome Window Credential Form

Build executable manually

Install node version specified in package.json file. It's recommended to use NVM in order to manage NODE versions on local machine:

export NV=v14.21.3 && nvm install "$NV" && nvm use "$NV"

Invoke the script below in order to generate executable:

npm install && npm run electron-pack

Note that the executable generation might take 5-10 minutes to complete!

Build executable automatically

Invoke Build App Executable GitHub Action Workflow and download artifact with executable file for your OS:

OS Executable File Extension
MacOS *.dmg
Ubuntu *.deb
Windows *.exe

Technical stack

electron nodejs react js slds jest yarn npm bcrypt crypt react-dnd github-actions

Resources used