
A curated list of tools, frameworks, libraries, and educational resources for computational mathematics.

Primary LanguagePython

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A curated list of tools, frameworks, libraries, and educational resources for computational mathematics. Computational mathematics involves the use of mathematical models, numerical analysis, and algorithms to solve real-world problems computationally.


General Resources

Symbolic Computation

  • SymPy - A Python library for symbolic mathematics, including calculus, algebra, and equation solving.
  • Maxima - An open-source computer algebra system for symbolic computation.
  • Mathematica - A powerful platform for symbolic computation and advanced mathematics.
  • Maple - A symbolic computation software with a focus on engineering and scientific applications.

Numerical Methods

  • SciPy - A Python library for numerical integration, optimization, and linear algebra.
  • GNU Scientific Library (GSL) - A library for numerical computing in C and C++.
  • NLopt - A library for nonlinear optimization using numerical methods.
  • SUNDIALS - A suite of solvers for ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and nonlinear systems.


  • COIN-OR - A collection of open-source tools for mathematical optimization.
  • CVXPY - A Python library for convex optimization.
  • Gurobi - A high-performance solver for linear and nonlinear programming.
  • Pyomo - A Python-based optimization modeling framework.

Matrix Computation

  • LAPACK - A library for linear algebra, supporting matrix factorizations and solutions.
  • Eigen - A C++ library for linear algebra and numerical computations.
  • Armadillo - A high-performance C++ library for linear algebra and matrix operations.
  • NumPy - A Python library for array operations and linear algebra.

Visualization Tools

  • Matplotlib - A Python library for creating static, animated, and interactive plots.
  • Plotly - A library for creating interactive and publication-quality visualizations.
  • ParaView - A visualization tool for analyzing large-scale data.
  • D3.js - A JavaScript library for creating dynamic and interactive visualizations.

Libraries and Frameworks

  • SageMath - A comprehensive open-source system for mathematical computation.
  • Octave - An open-source alternative to MATLAB, focusing on numerical computations.
  • MATLAB - A high-level language and environment for numerical and symbolic computations.
  • Julia - A high-performance programming language for technical computing.

Educational Resources

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