In an effort to improve transparency between the local government and its citizens, our team proposes a web solution that uses freely available open-source APIs coupled with Analyze Boston’s datasets to engage citizens and streamline 311 requests. Our solution will engage citizens by providing them the ability to collaborate in the submission and resolution process for 311 requests in their neighborhood. Our interactive dashboard will show all 311 requests on a map. Users will be able to drill down into each submission and view details about the request, including the problem location, the submission date, any updates, and the eventual resolution. Users will also have the ability to vote on which 311 requests should be prioritized, giving users a voice in how their tax dollars are put to work. 311 requests made through our solution will use available data to recommend which department the request should be filed against. Our solution’s approach will reduce both the time required to submit a 311 request as well as the amount of user input error. As a result of the improved information provided to the 311 database, the city will be better equipped to quickly address requests. In the future, this solution could be expanded to recognize the user intent using natural language processing. The solution could use these intents to reduce duplicate complaints and better improve the solutions ability streamline the 311 submission processes.
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