Multi-user Blog for Udacity

The project is a simple multi-user blog. It is intended to fullfil the requirement of Udacity Full stack Developer Nanodegree.

Getting Started

The project requires Google App Engine to run. Other requirements include

  • Python 2.7
  • HTML 5
  • Bootstrap CSS/JS


The project will run on local server using Google App Engine. To enable user to login or register:

  • create a .txt file named "secret", i.e. "secret.txt"
  • put in the secret key to hash your password as a string, i.e. "secret"

To run locally on a mac:

  • Open terminal
  • Change directory to the project folder
  • Type: .
  • Open "localhost:8080" in your browser

Online Version

The project is accessible here Multi-User Blog ##Authors

  • Andree Wijaya