This is a quiz application for users to test their coding knowledge in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The timed quiz includes 18 multiple choice questions. When the user completes the quiz or time runs out--whichever comes first--they have the opportunity to save their initials and score to local storage. This quiz application also includes a high score button that, when clicked, displays a leaderboard of the scores in a list from high to low.
During this project I learned how to layer multiple functions, create and add "click" event listeners, as well as how to program a countdown timer. This is also the first application where I set user input to local storage, using this data to create a leaderboard of high scores.
What's unique about this coding quiz is that it contains 18 questions across three topics. In addition, the ability for users to save their scores to local storage, as well as a leaderboard, make this application stand out.
To Dos:
- Add text area to launch page with information about the test, above the Start Quiz button.
- Move HIGH SCORE button to the end of the quiz, so it will show up when user is finished with the quiz instead of during the quiz question selections.
- Create a function to deduct time by 10 seconds for every incorrect response, as well as display text indicating whether an answer is correct or incorrect after user selection.
Deployed URL: