
A repository of Dockerfiles tuned for running on LibreELEC

Primary LanguageShell


This repository is a collection of docker files and their respective systemd services for use specifically on LibreELEC.

You must install the Docker add-on from the LibreELEC Add-on repository from within Kodi.

The containers are now on Docker Hub for x86_64 and arm so you can simply enable the systemd service file without having to build it.

wget https://github.com/LibreELEC/Dockerfiles/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip
systemctl enable /storage/Dockerfiles-master/x86_64/transmission/transmission.service
systemctl start transmission

If you would like to modify and build these containers yourself you have to download this repository to your LibreELEC device.

wget https://github.com/LibreELEC/Dockerfiles/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip
cd Dockerfiles-master
./build.sh <container> <arch>

Docker Hub Status

libreelec/couchpotato libreelecarm/couchpotato

libreelec/python libreelecarm/python

libreelec/sabnzbd libreelecarm/sabnzbd

libreelec/sickgear libreelecarm/sickgear

libreelec/transmission libreelecarm/transmission