
collect stars, diamonds, kill baddies. how long can you stay alive?

Primary LanguageJavaScript


collect stars, diamonds, heal yourself, kill baddies. how long can you survive?


npm install

Dev Server

npm run start


npm run build


npm run deploy

Features and Bugs

Currently we are tracking everything within GitHub issues. Features and Bugs are handled nearly the same.

Feature Requests

  1. Create a new issue,
  2. Label it as enhancement,
  3. Assign it a milestone,

Want to work on that feature request?

Find the issue number (# after issue).

  • git branch feature-#
  • git checkout feature-#

Report A Bug

  1. Create a new issue,
  2. Label it as bug

Want to work on that bug?

Find the issue number (# after issue).

  • git branch bug-#
  • git checkout bug-#