- 2
drag finger to select multiple not supported
#55 opened by IshuRocks - 9
Preselected images when the picker is opened
#44 opened by Sh1d0w - 2
Integration with SwiftUI
#54 opened by EstebanC02 - 1
#52 opened by NoaD - 1
Reusable cell
#51 opened by tomzion90 - 1
Is this project still necessary?
#50 opened by cgarrovillo - 1
- 1
- 1
video max duration
#46 opened by purva-dev - 4
Low Quality Images after Importing!
#45 opened by DataManBI - 1
Possible Memory Leak
#21 opened by srbalan - 3
- 2
Last selected album or library
#41 opened by ravivlb - 1
Its not "Support for smart albums, user created albums and iCloud shared albums"
#40 opened by Valere3162 - 1
Wrong navigation bar padding when presented as second modal view controller
#36 opened by kuchmiyalex - 1
1.1.7 Cocoapods release
#34 opened by steviemo - 4
iOS 13 Memory Issue
#31 opened by AvdLee - 3
- 0
Swift Package Manager support
#27 opened by igorkulman - 0
- 1
selected images
#22 opened by dathu7728 - 2
Do not count the number of photos in the album every time. They can be cached.
#23 opened by petrovi4 - 5
PHAsset get info for show image
#14 opened by ambr89 - 2
Use with Swift 4
#20 opened by n1schal - 1
Camera option not working properly
#19 opened by sanchitgarg1909 - 1
Add support for iCloud shared albums
#16 opened by AvdLee - 0
- 1
Carthage support info
#12 opened by igorkulman - 3
Images and Videos don't show up.
#9 opened by sonuvr4u - 3
pod not available ?
#8 opened by poonamdhomane - 1
- 1
Crashes with large collection of photos/videos
#4 opened by samuelbeek - 0
#2 opened by marcbouchenoire