
This repo is a collection of projects I worked on at Snap Inc. as a Snap Engineering Scholar.

Snap Inc Projects

This repo is a collection of projects I worked on at Snap Inc. as a Snap Engineering Scholar.

Bonsai Malibu - (Small Business Website)

This website is an unofficial demo website for a small business located in Malibu, CA.


repo: https://github.com/awllms/bonsaimalibu
website: https://awllms.com/bonsaimalibu

College Dropout - (Interactive Music App)


repo: https://github.com/awllms/collegedropout
website: https://awllms.com/collegedropout

Factorboy (Web App)

Factorboy is an MVP application that factors polynomial equations. It was built in less than 24 hours.


repo: https://github.com/awllms/factorboy
website: https://awllms.com/factorboy

Snap Communities (SnapChat Feature Pitch)

Snap Communities is a potential SnapChat feature my team and I pitched to Snap Inc. executives and members for the final project at the Snap Academies. The project was built using React Native, React Navigation, Apple Maps, Google Firebase to handle authentication and store user data, and Expo to demo the live prototype.


repo: https://github.com/awllms/communities