Genre: Procedurally Generated Horror-lite Endless Sidescroll Runner
Objective: Run forward while collecting coins to increase the score and potions to stay alive
- Rooms randomly generated and destroyed as the player moves further right
- Space cloud Skybox
- Background wallpaper room tiles
- Bloody text and blood splotches
- Omnipresent force lurking in the windows
- Left/right movement with arrow keys
- Jump with space
- Crouch with Ctrl key
- Turret anchored to right side of screen moving randomly along the y-axis
- Turret fires missiles on a set interval
- Speed of turret and speed of missiles increases on a logarithmic scale relative to the player’s score
- Collision trigger with a missile results in the loss of 1 player heart
- Run out of hearts after hitting too many missiles
- Can restart game on Game Over screen
- Player starts with 3 hearts (can collect more for a max of 5 hearts)
- Turret movement speed at 1 unit/s
- Missile speed at 1 unit/s