
A node module for building RAML files smarter

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

What's "ramses"?

Ramses is a node.js module that makes building RAML awesome.


ramses = require('ramses');


Better includes

How about including a directory of files in list form?

traits: !include config/traits/*
resourceTypes: !include config/resourceTypes/*

How about being able to include anything, anywhere?

version: v3
!include anything.raml

Better JSON

How about including a CSON schema based on xcson that automatically compiles down to JSON?

schema: !include example.cson


Use npm.

$ npm install ramses

Otherwise, you can check ramses into your repository and expose it:

$ git clone git://github.com/awnist/ramses.git node_modules/ramses/

ramses is UNLICENSED.