
Allows including an action inside another action (by preprocessing the Yaml file). This is how composite actions should have worked.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Allows including an action inside another action (by preprocessing the Yaml file).

Instead of using uses or run in your action step, use the keyword includes.

Once you are using the includes argument, the workflows can be expanded using the tool like follows;

# python -m actions_include <input-workflow-with-includes> <output-workflow-flattened>
python -m actions_includes ./.github/workflows-src/workflow-a.yml ./.github/workflows/workflow-a.yml

includes: step

- name: Other step
  run: |

- includes: {action-name}

- name: Other step
  run: |

The {action-name} follows the same syntax as the standard GitHub action uses and the action referenced should look exactly like a GitHub "composite action" except runs.using should be includes.

For example;

  • {owner}/{repo}@{ref} - Public action in github.com/{owner}/{repo}
  • {owner}/{repo}/{path}@{ref} - Public action under {path} in github.com/{owner}/{repo}.
  • ./{path} - Local action under local {path}, IE ./.github/actions/my-action`.

As it only makes sense to reference composite actions, the docker:// form isn't supported.

As you frequently want to include local actions, actions-includes extends the {action-name} syntax to also support;

  • /{name} - Local action under ./.github/actions/{name}.

This is how composite actions should have worked.

includes-script: step

File: script.py

print('Hello world')

File: workflow.yml

- name: Other step
  run: |

- name: Hello
  includes-script: script.py

- name: Other step
  run: |

python -m actions_includes.py workflow.in.yml workflow.out.yml

File: oworkflow.out.yml

- name: Other step
  run: |

- name: Hello
  shell: python
  run: |
    print('Hello world')

- name: Other step
  run: |

The shell parameter is deduced from the file extension, but it is possible to use a custom shell by setting the shell parameter manually.