
helm chart to spin vms in K8s

Primary LanguageMustache


Spins up vms inside K8s using kubevirt


  • virtctl
  • metallb - if you want to access the vm from outside

How to

Look at values.yaml file. The deployment relies on a golden image you have created from a ISO or cow image. Example here

At the end of the helm install, commands will be printed that you need to execute.

Execute the following commands:

export SERVICE_IP=$(kubectl get svc --namespace default mirror-vmspin-lb --template "{{ range (index .status.loadBalancer.ingress 0) }}{{.}}{{ end }}")
export PV=$(kubectl get pvc --namespace default mirror-vmspin-pvc --template "{{ .spec.volumeName }}")
export DESTINATION=$(kubectl get pv --namespace default $PV --template "{{ .spec.hostPath.path }}")
sudo cp ~/kubevirt/disk.img $DESTINATION
virtctl start mirror-vmspin -n default
echo ssh $SERVICE_IP


Once the vm has booted, you can edit the vm object and set running: true.

kubectl edit vm/vm-name