LDAP auth in Vault

Some reading - https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/auth/ldap.html

This repo serves as testing ground for vault-ldap integration.

The whole setup can be done in Cloud Shell and I highly recommend using that!!


Clone the repo. CD into the vault-ldap-testing directory.

Standup ldap and phpLDAPadmin with docker compose.

docker-compose up -d

Create a sample group on the ldap container. Admin password is 'admin'.

docker exec -ti vault-ldap-testing_ldap_1 ldapadd -x -D "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org" -w admin

##type this on the prompt and do ctrl+d after a new line at the end
dn: cn=dev,dc=example,dc=org
cn: dev
objectClass: posixGroup
gidNumber: 600


And add a sample user account to the group.

docker exec -ti vault-ldap-testing_ldap_1 ldapadd -x -D "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org" -w admin

##type this on the prompt and do ctrl+d after a new line at the end
dn: cn=testuser,dc=example,dc=org
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: posixAccount
sn: user
gidNumber: 600
uidNumber: 1009
uid: 1009
homeDirectory: /home/test
userPassword: test


Check your LDAP objects with phpLDAPAdmin by logging to http://localhost:8080 or by doing a web preview in your Cloud Shell console. Use cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org ad Login DN and password admin to login.

Integrate with Vault

Download and extract vault binary if you have not done so.

wget https://releases.hashicorp.com/vault/1.1.0/vault_1.1.0_linux_amd64.zip
unzip vault_1.1.0_linux_amd64.zip
sudo mv vault /usr/local/bin/

Run vault in dev mode and login with the root token generated

vault server -dev 2>1 log &
export VAULT_ADDR=
vault login

Enable ldap auth. Use admin account as bind DN. Note that userattr is tied to cn, in AD this should be samAccountName.

vault auth enable ldap
vault write auth/ldap/config url="ldap://" \
  userdn="dc=example,dc=org" userattr="cn" \
  groupdn="cn=dev,dc=example,dc=org" \
  starttls="false" \
  binddn="cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org"  bindpass='admin'

Grant testuser policies foo and bar. More reading - https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/concepts/policies.html

vault write auth/ldap/users/testuser policies=foo,bar

Test if user can login with their account to vault. Type in the ldap password (test) to login to vault.

vault login -method=ldap username=testuser

Now the user is authenticated and now can access secrets assigned in the policies.