
My telethon events

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Telethon events

I am created this events for me and for my usages. I shared these to you; don't forgot to star if you like that ❤️.


  • Full type-hint
  • New event: Command
  • me property added to TelegramClient
  • Events strcuture completely changed and optimized
  • pack_bot_file_id bug fixed
  • Automatically detects spams and ignores them


  • NewMessage
  • Command
  • CallbackQuery
  • InlineQuery


  • telethon - telethon library
  • cachebox - for spam detecting


Event examples are here.


This events are completely different from telethon events. these are faster and powerful than them.

events.Command example:

from events import TelegramClient, Command

client = TelegramClient(...)

@client.on(Command("start", private=True))
async def private_start_handler(event: Command.Event):
    await event.client.send_message(
        "Hello! you sent /start command in my PV."

@client.on(Command("start", public=True))
async def public_start_handler(event: Command.Event):
    await event.client.send_message(
        "Hello! you sent /start command in a group."

@client.on(Command(["privacy", "policy"]))
async def privacy_or_policy_handler(event: Command.Event):
    await event.client.send_message(
        "PRIVACY POLICY! you sent /policy or /privacy."

# ...

events.NewMessage example:

from events import TelegramClient, NewMessage

client = TelegramClient(...)

async def hello_handler(event: NewMessage.Event):
    # Respond whenever someone says "Hello" and something else
    await event.message.reply('Hey!')

@client.on(NewMessage(outgoing=True, pattern='!ping'))
async def ping_handler(event: NewMessage.Event):
    # Say "!pong" whenever you send "!ping", then delete both messages
    m = await event.message.respond('!pong')
    await asyncio.sleep(5)
    await event.client.delete_messages(event.chat_id, [event.id, m.id])

# ...

events.CallbackQuery example:

from events import TelegramClient, Command, CallbackQuery
from telethon import Button

client = TelegramClient(...)

async def start_handler(event: Command.Event):
    await event.client.send_message(
        "Click Me ...",
                Button.inline("Dashboard", b"dashboard"),
                Button.inline("First Panel", b"panel/first"),
                Button.inline("Second Panel", b"panel/second")
                Button.inline("Yes", b"confirm"),
                Button.inline("No", b"confirm_no"),

# Handle exactly `dashboard`
async def handler(event: CallbackQuery.Event):
    await event.edit(
        "welcome to dashboard"

# Handle `panel/...`
# Now this handles `panel/first` and `panel/second` queries for us.
@client.on(CallbackQuery("panel", split=("/", 1)))
async def panel(event: CallbackQuery.Event):
    await event.edit(
        "welcome to panel"

# Handle `confirm` or `confirm_...` or `confirm_..._...`
# Now this handles `confirm` and `confirm_no` queries for us.
# Without specifying the `_` count, there's no care about count of that
@client.on(CallbackQuery("confirm", split="_"))
async def panel(event: CallbackQuery.Event):
    await event.edit(
        "welcome to panel"

# ...

events.InlineQuery example:

from events import TelegramClient, InlineQuery

client = TelegramClient(...)

async def handler(event):
    builder = event.builder

    # Two options (convert user text to UPPERCASE or lowercase)
    await event.answer([
        builder.article('UPPERCASE', text=event.text.upper()),
        builder.article('lowercase', text=event.text.lower()),

# ...