Project Summary

In this project, you will create a user directory that matches the mockup provided. You will create this project from the ground up, including running create-react-app and building out the CSS and React components. The user data you will display has been provided for you in data.js. You won't receive much instruction on this project, but ask your mentors for help as often as needed.




Your project should...

  • Use at least 3 different components, including at least 1 that holds and updates state.
  • Allow users to navigate through all the user information from the array in data.js using the < Previous and Next > buttons. Include special handling for those buttons for the first and last users in the array to avoid errors.
  • Display where in the array the current user is located (ex. 1/25)
  • Match the layout and styling of the mockup as closely as possible.

*Note: The Edit, Delete and New buttons are not required to get credit for this project. They are part of the Black Diamond if you finish the requirements early.

Black Diamond

  • After the < Previous and Next > buttons are functional, start working on Delete.
  • After the Delete button is functional, start working on New. This will require a form for users to input new information. Focus on the functionality more than the styling.
  • After the New button is functional, start working on Edit. This will also require a form for users to input updated information. Focus on the functionality more than the styling.


If you see a problem or a typo, please fork, make the necessary changes, and create a pull request so we can review your changes and merge them into the master repo and branch.


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