Export/Import/Sample Generator for HealthKit Data (Swift + UI)
Easy to use generator for HealthKit Sample Data that can be used in code and in the simulator. It supports you by exporting the current health data into a json profile, recreates the profile from a json file and is able to create a complete health data profile randomly. So you have reproducable test data to test your code and your ui of your amazing Health-App.
- Export of HealthData 100%
- Import HealthData 5%
- Generate HealthData 0%
Next Step:
- complete import of HealthData
- improve test coverage
- improve documentation
- polish api
- release version 1.0.0
import Foundation
import HealthKitSampleGenerator
let fm = NSFileManager.defaultManager()
let documentsUrl = fm.URLsForDirectory(.DocumentDirectory, inDomains: .UserDomainMask)[0]
let outputFileName = documentsUrl.URLByAppendingPathComponent("export.json").path!
let target = JsonSingleFileExportTarget(outputFileName: outputFileName, overwriteIfExist:true)
let configuration = HealthDataFullExportConfiguration(profileName: "Profilname", exportType: HealthDataToExportType.ALL)
let exporter = HealthKitDataExporter()
exportTargets: [target],
exportConfiguration: configuration,
onProgress: {
(message: String, progressInPercent: NSNumber?) -> Void in
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {
onCompletion: {
(error: ErrorType?)-> Void in
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {
if let exportError = error {
This will output all the data that are available through HealthKit in JSON format:
"type": "JsonSingleFileExportTarget"
{"uuid":"902253AC-9358-4DCE-96BF-BD69F44B24B1", "type":"HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBloodPressureSystolic"},
{"uuid":"69D2D315-D441-4F1F-811F-84CCC66F5E34", "type":"HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBloodPressureDiastolic"}
###Export using the Example-App Just build and run the App. Tap on the button "Export HealthKit Data". This will create a JSON file in the App Documents folder. If you are using the simulator you may access the export file on your mac - the path to the file is visibe in the UI of the app. To access the exported data on a real device you need to open iTunes, go to the device app section and have a look at the shared documents section. From there you are able to save the file on your mac.
The output format is the same as using the api.
iOS 9.0, XCode 7
HealthKitSampleGenerator is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "HealthKitSampleGenerator"
Michael Seemann, pods@mseemann.de
HealthKitSampleGenerator is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.