AWS CloudFormation Resource Provider Package For AWS B2BI

This repository contains AWS-owned resource providers for the AWS::B2BI::* namespace.


The CloudFormation CLI (cfn) allows you to author your own resource providers that can be used by CloudFormation.

Refer to the documentation for the CloudFormation CLI for usage instructions.


First, you will need to install the CloudFormation CLI, as it is a required dependency:

pip3 install cloudformation-cli
pip3 install cloudformation-cli-java-plugin

Linting and running unit tests is done via pre-commit, and so is performed automatically on commit. The continuous integration also runs these checks.

pre-commit install

Manual options are available so you don't have to commit:

# run all hooks on all files, mirrors what the CI runs
pre-commit run --all-files
# run unit tests and coverage checks
mvn verify


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.