
Graph QL Lambda Function Example with JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Javascript Lambda GraphQL Hello World Example

Simple GraphQL Lambda function example with JavaScript. GraphQL is powered by apollo-server-lambda. return hello world with Query. It will give the endpoint for post as well as get for the playground.


  • yarn
  • serverless
  • apollo-server-lambda


yarn install

Testing lambda locally

Use Serverless Offline.

# Start local lambda by using sls offline command
sls offline start -r ap-southeast-1 --stage test

# Test with curl
curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/test/graphql/hello --data '{"query": "{hello}"}'

Playground is available.

Go to http://localhost:3000/test/graphql. You may need to change the actual query url within the query tab to http://localhost:3000/test/graphql/hello

apollo-server-lambda uses apollo-server under the hood. Therefore, the logic should work when it is replaced ith apollo-server. We can run the application without spinning up a local lambda.

yarn dev-server


In config/account.yml, you need to fill account, aws region and s3 base url. Make sure your AWS CLI is configured correctly. Then, use sls command to deploy.

sls deploy --stage test

# Account can be overriden by passing the --account in sls command
sls deploy --stage test --acount <your AWS account number>