AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT) Helm Charts
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Ongoing maintenance of these helm charts
#118 opened by JamesBelchamber - 0
ADOT Collector in EKS does not receive any signal.
#117 opened by TPB555 - 0
Request for an Helm chart for Fargate only clusters
#116 opened by v-greco - 0
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The default pod attributes (e.g. env, volumes) should be declared in templates, not in values file
#110 opened by cazorla19 - 2
Include envFrom option
#111 opened by cazorla19 - 2
Make exporter configuration more dynamic
#112 opened by cazorla19 - 3
Support for this Helm chart in EKS v1.24
#104 opened by grv180290 - 2
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ENHANCEMENT: Enable cloudwatch log group retention for adot-collector metrics performance log
#87 opened by jennerm - 2
Unable to reach port 4317
#98 opened by niraj8241 - 0
Unset CPU limit
#101 opened by MarcinWojtasEit - 5
`adot-exporter-for-eks-on-ec2` Helm installation does not work with existing namespace and SA
#99 opened by elamaran11 - 2
Investigate `kubeVersion` values
#84 opened by bryan-aguilar - 0
Pod is unable to getToken
#96 opened by andreas-aman - 2
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Clarification on removal of logging templates
#88 opened by romogo17 - 15
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Can this be used to send traces to AWS XRay, if yes, which all places needs modification?
#65 opened by navin-rai - 6
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awsemf exporter send data to the wrong region
#68 opened by xpicio - 3
aws/aws-for-fluent-bit version in default values.yaml is very old, also sets IMDS v1 by default
#70 opened by divbell - 1
log retention days is not working
#69 opened by xpicio - 2
containerd support
#48 opened by alanpilawa - 1
Update Helm Chart
#57 opened by vasireddy99 - 2
FluentBit crashes on deployment
#42 opened by ruthvik17 - 4
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Update the docs with correct values
#33 opened by steveellis - 1
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FluentBit pods go into CrashLoopBackOff
#32 opened by steveellis - 3
ENHANCEMENT: Provide capability in Helm chart to configure the retention policy for Log Groups
#23 opened by sunnygoel87 - 2
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Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: create: failed to create: Request entity too large: limit is 3145728
#30 opened by AndreiBanaruTakeda - 1
Bottlerocket and containerd support
#8 opened by Vlaaaaaaad - 3
Prometheus remote write
#11 opened by nlamirault - 4
serviceAccount not annotated
#21 opened by AndreiBanaruTakeda - 2
Enable IRSA by providing different serviceAccount annotations for fluent-bit and ADOT
#14 opened by youwalther65 - 1
IDMS is hardcoded to v1
#7 opened by Vlaaaaaaad