This project provides and example of end to end data processing application created using the combination of Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK), AWS Fargate, AWS Lambda and Amazon DynamoDB. Business logic is implemented in Java and Typescript. The build and deployment of the application is fully automated using AWS CDK.
- aa2858Onis Data Services
- apmcleanRaleigh, NC
- BarteKKmita
- Bash-mocart
- bfrancom@EISMGard
- burakyuce@Scotty-Enginering
- calexandriaScaleSec
- camillaisgone
- Cohey0727
- demyank88Korea(Republic of)
- dobeermanMunich
- ejlmorais
- eshlukeSeoul, Republic Of Korea
- Solutions
- hemalgadhiyaAmazon Web Services
- hermes-pimentel
- hstrebPorto Alegre, Brasil
- James-Coulson
- juanlamadrid20@awslabs
- ketankhairnarPune,India
- kornicameister@AppYourself
- krishtekula
- kwonyulchoiAmazon Web Services
- laihuynhba@ait
- liujingkun2017nothing
- magnus-larssonCallista Enterprise AB
- oieduardorabeloAuckland - NZ
- pchot
- pedroluiznogueiraBriteris
- rupeshtiwariAmazon Web Services (AWS)
- serkan-ozal@catchpoint
- sjfaz
- stokiloFWU Takaful GmbH
- suleymancan@Trendyol
- swapnilgangrade01Nvidia
- unicomp23aircore