
Amazon Redshift User Defined Functions to call Amazon Location Service APIs

Primary LanguagePythonMIT No AttributionMIT-0

Amazon Redshift User Defined Functions to call Amazon Location Service APIs

This repository contain the code necessary to deploy Amazon Redshift Lambda-based User Defined Functions (UDF) to allow a user to call Amazon Location Service APIs, such as geocoding and reverse geocoding, as part of SQL queries.


Amazon Redshift User Defined Function for Amazon Location Service Architecture

How to install

As a pre-requisite, create a new Amazon Location Service place index if you don't have already one you use. Follow the instructions in Create a place index resource.

You can launch the code provided in this repository directly in you AWS account using the lauch button below:

Launch Stack

This CloudFormation template uses a Custom Resource to copy lambdas from a central repository and install it in your account as described here. The template has the following parameters:

  • OriginBucketName: The S3 bucket from where you are copying the lambda functions from. Should be kept unchanged (unless you know what are you doing).
  • OriginKeyPrefix: The S3 bucket prefix that contains the lambda functions. Should be kept unchanged (unless you know what are you doing).
  • PlaceIndex: A pre-existing place index. You need to create one before applying this template.

How to test

  • Create a new RedShift cluster if you don't have one already. Follow the instructions in Getting started with Amazon Redshift.
  • Attach the IAM roles RedshiftGeocodeFunctionRole and RedshiftReverseGeocodeFunctionPolicy created by this CloudFormation template to your cluster. You can add a role to a cluster or view the roles associated with a cluster by using the Amazon Redshift Management Console, CLI, or API. For more information, see Associating an IAM Role With a Cluster in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
  • Connect to your database
  • Open an Editor and execute the instructions in the file create-geocoding-udf.sql. This will give the required permissions and create public external function pointing to out lambda. Don't forget to replace the placeholder with your AWS account it.
  • To test the geocoding, create a new table and populate it with data as below:
create table places(address varchar (200));
insert into places values 
('Domagkstraße 28'),
('Marcel-Breuer-Straße 12');
  • Execute a query using the newly created lambda as in:
select address, 
json_extract_path_text(geocode_address(address, '[48.192087, 11.617126]','["DEU"]'), 'Label') as full_address
from places; 
  • To test the reverse geocoding, create another table and populate it with data as below:
create table places_pos(
  latitude decimal(18, 15),
  longitude decimal(18,15)
insert into places_pos values (7.37951000000003, 51.38240000000007);
  • And execute a query using the newly created lambda as in:
select latitude, longitude, 
reverse_geocode_position(latitude, longitude)
from places_pos; 


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.