Amazon Rekognition Face Liveness

A sample code to implement Amazon Rekognition Face Liveness to detect real users and deter bad actors using spoofs in seconds during facial verification.

What is Amazon Rekognition Face Liveness?

Amazon Rekognition Face Liveness helps you verify that a user going through facial verification is physically present in front of a camera. It detects spoof attacks presented to a camera or trying to bypass a camera. Users can complete a Face Liveness check by taking a short video selfie where they follow a series of prompts intended to verify their presence.

We can easily add Face Liveness to the React web, native iOS, and native Android applications using open-source AWS Amplify SDKs.Face Liveness uses ML models trained on diverse datasets to support high accuracy across user skin tones, ancestries, and devices.




Face Liveness uses multiple components:

  • AWS Amplify SDK with FaceLivenessDetector component
  • AWS SDKs
  • AWS Cloud APIs

When we configure our application to integrate with Face Liveness feature, it uses the following API operations:

  • CreateFaceLivenessSession - Starts a Face Liveness session, letting the Face Liveness detection model be used in your application. Returns a SessionId for the created session.

  • StartFaceLivenessSession - Called by the AWS Amplify FaceLivenessDetector. Starts an event stream containing information about relevant events and attributes in the current session.

  • GetFaceLivenessSessionResults - Retrieves the results of a specific Face Liveness session, including a Face Liveness confidence score, reference image, and audit images.


# Setup the AWS CLI
aws configure                                                                     

Locally installing on a workstation requires the following steps.

  1. Locally install AWS CDK as the official documentation describes.
  2. Bootstrap CDK for AWS Account
  3. Install Python >=3.6 from
  4. Create a Python virtual environment
python3 -m venv .venv                                      
  1. Activate virtual environment On MacOS or Linux
source .venv/bin/activate                                       

On Windows


Solution Deployment

The utility script is the recommended procedure for deploying a Rekognition Face Liveness(rfl) stack into an AWS Account. It automates every step including installing missing dependency and executing all Out-Of-Band (OOB) operations. Additionally, there is support for upgrading existing environments and seamlessly handling any future requirements.

This table enumerates the overridable environment variables. The deployment script supports deploying multiple stacks within the same account and region (e.g., Prod and Dev in us-east-1). Additionally, the default settings support 200M unique faces. Please contact us at for instructions beyond this threshold. Lastly, AWS CloudFormation requires the Amazon S3 bucket and deployment region are the same. When these values differ the create-stack command fails with a descriptive error.

# Customers can deploy multiple instances to the same region (Prod vs Dev)
# If this value is not set then it defaults to 'Rfl-Prod'
# You control this functionality by setting the Landing Zone Name value
export RFL_STACK_NAME=Rfl-Prod

# Running this command will install any dependencies (brew, yum, or apt required)
# After preparing the local machine it will synthesize and deploy into your environment.

How do I run the amplify app locally

#First create a .env.local file in the frontend directory with the following contents:


#Install depedency and start the app

npm install
npm start

How is the code organized

  • infra. CDK Automation for provisioning the environment(s)
  • src. The backing code for Lambdas functions and other compute constructs