- 1
ImportError convert_table_to_kv_dict
#60 opened by gpavankumar9 - 0
- 0
InvalidParameterException: Request has invalid parameters when using startDocumentAnalysis
#58 opened by arunsingh28 - 0
- 2
- 1
Textract queries in other languages?
#31 opened by QAnders - 0
Broken s3 bucket Detecting Merged Cells And Headers on fictitious bank statement
#50 opened by enitinb - 0
- 0
merged cells not working as expected
#47 opened by bvbg1 - 1
textract-trp issue in python 3.8
#38 opened by giriannamalai - 0
Grouping lines together
#46 opened by bvbg1 - 0
Samples for table extraction in java.
#44 opened by zanio - 0
Unable to parse Document result in Python
#39 opened by anking - 0
Build Error on the .Net Version
#37 opened by oksgna - 0
Build Error on the .Net Version
#36 opened by MiraGhaly - 0
- 0
Multi Columns Variables
#33 opened by wilianuhlmann - 1
Integration Test
#22 opened by ilkerhalil - 1
Is it possible to make async calls without uploading the document to S3 bucket?
#13 opened by ayushidalmia - 1
- 1
Broken blocks relations
#16 opened by Eitol - 1
- 1
The job never completes
#25 opened by arunsubbu-github - 1
textract-textractor-tools.ipynb fails for overlay
#23 opened by schadem - 0
trp example fails with empty key or value
#26 opened by schadem - 1
[Read ME Request]: Can you please consider adding necessary packages to install?
#10 opened by prameshbajra - 1
- 6
Bug in parsing for Document
#9 opened by tshrjn - 0
- 1
InvalidParameterException when starting a Textract job using SNS Notification channel.
#6 opened by prashanthayyavu - 3
Chain of Errors
#4 opened by mettlus - 1