AWS IoT GreenGrass v2 Docker in Docker


AWS IoT GreenGrass v2 does not allow to run any Docker application container if GreenGrass itself is running inside a Docker container. E.g. if you want to run AWS IoT SiteWise Edge inside GGv2 container, AWS IoT SiteWise Edge requires docker container to run its components. This container image is built on the official AWS IoT GreenGrass version 2 docker image to run your containerized applications in it. Therefore, after you follow steps below, you can also leverage from the official AWS IoT GreenGrass v2 guideline to use additional AWS IoT GreenGrass related operations. Before using in production please read the following blog.

Example Architecture Diagram for the Solution

You can use this solution as standalone or you can integrate it to a container orchestration tool like Amazon ECS Anywhere. For using it with container orchestration tool, you can find an example of target deployment architecture for Amazon ECS Anywhere below:

Architecture Diagram

Build Image

docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml build

Update AWS Credential

For standalone usage, you can use AWS credential. But, if you have an environment that has an IAM role, it is important to use corresponding IAM roles with required permission for security best practices.


Example "credentials" file:

aws_access_key_id = <YourAWSAccessKey>
aws_secret_access_key = <YourSecretKey>

AWS IoT GreenGrass v2 Provisioning

You can provide your environment file like below.

Provide Your Environment File for Provisioning

Create "env.cfg" file and copy your config accordingly.

nano env.cfg


Run AWS IoT GreenGrass v2 Docker in Docker Image

  • WARNING: For running this image, you need to provide a "privileged" flag, therefore it is important to know whether your security threat model allows this action in your environment.

docker run --privileged --rm --init -it --name aws-iot-gg -v path_to_cred/greengrass-v2-credentials:/root/.aws:ro --env-file env.cfg -p 8883 x86_64/aws-iot-greengrass:2.5.3

Open Shell in the Image

docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID /bin/sh

Available Commands in Image

Docker is already installed in the container image. After you log in, you can use docker commands to manage application containers


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This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.