These are sample scripts for demonstrating how to use a custom CA and Just In Time Provisioning (JITP) with AWS IoT at scale.
These scripts are not meant for production use, but are meant to help explain the steps involved in generating the necessary components.
These scripts also contain sample for using Amazon SQS and AWS Lambda to buffer and process messages.
Lastly there is a node.js based loadtest application for mimicking a number of publishers and subscribers. This application can be extended to simulate different workloads and behaviors.
The scripts in this repository are primarly implemented with bash, awscli, and jq. The client scripts which connect to AWS IoT are using the mosquitto_pub and mosquitto_sub MQTT clients. OpenSSL is used for all of the private key and certificate generation. If you want to run the load test sample application, you will also need nodejs and npm.
- bash
- sed
- make
- openssl --
- awscli --
- jq --
- mosquitto --
- nodejs --
The bin directory contains a number of scripts which demonstrate how to work with AWS IoT Things with a custom CA certificate. These scripts are not intended for production use, but more aimed at making it easy to understand how the components of the system fit together:
├── create-root -- creates a custom root CA certificate
├── create-thing -- creates an AWS IoT Thing, Certificate, and Policy
├── delete-thing -- deletes an AWS IoT Thing, Certificate, and Policy
├── device-status -- get the status of the certificate for thedevice
├── disable-certificate -- disable the certificate attached to a device
├── enable-certificate -- enable the certificate attached to a device
├── provision -- creates a new signed certificate
├── pub -- publishes to AWS IoT using a signed certificate
├── register -- registers a custom root CA certificate with AWS IoT
├── sub -- subscribes to a AWS IoT topic with a certificate
└── thing-certificates -- lists the things and their certificates
The Makefiles in the directories are meant to help manage the AWS CloudFormation stacks associated with these tools. The top level Makefile will create a stack which contains an IAM role and an IoT Policy which are needed for Just in Time Provisioning. The IoTProvisioning role is referenced in the JITP template associated with your CA certificate. This role allows the JITP system the necessary rights to create things, attach certificates and policies, and manage the related system resources. The IoTAccess policy is also referenced in the provisioning template and provides the provisioned devices with their access rights to MQTT topics. This policy restrict devices to only connect with a client id that matches the CommonName field of the certificate. It then allows all devices to subscribe to any topic but only publish to a topic that matches the CommonName of the device on the certificate. In a production envrionment, these policies would be more specific to the application requirements.
The sqs directory contains another AWS CloudFormation template that is intended to demonstrate forwarding MQTT messages to an Amazon SQS queue. In this example, the items on the queue are consumed by a AWS Lambda function which merely logs the contents to CloudWatch. For an actual production application, one would likely have several queues for different work loads, and multiple consumers processing the messages from the queues. The Amazon SQS queue provides a level of durability that makes it easier to scale the consumers for a given workload and allow for temporary stoppages of workers wihtout loss of events.
Finally, the load test application has it's own AWS CloudFormation template to provision a IoT Policy for the load test. This policy is applied to the CA certificate used for the load test application, and is designed to enable the data flows for the load test. It allows publishers to publish to "loadtest/$deviceId", and the subscribers publish to "loadtest", additionally the subscribers listen to "loadtest/#". In a more production application, it is likely that one would have two CA certificates, one for the publishers and one for the subscribers, each with their own dedicated policies. For our example, we are using the same CA for both as the process for creating a new CA with a different JITP template is exactly the same.
The loadtest application, is a sample node.js application that demonstrates both device to device and device to backend communication. This application is designed to spawn a number of child processes, publishers which send a message once every second, and subscribers which recieve and forward the messages sent by the publishers to a "loadtest" topic, after modifing the message contents.
For both the publishers and subscribers it generates a new device certificate for each signed by a custom CA. The JITP infrastructure is used to attach them to a LoadTestPolicy in AWS IoT, and allow the devices to use the appropriate topics. The loadtest code can be modified to do more useful work, and serve as the basis of various proofs of concept.
The sqs sample code is also setup to work in conjunction with the loadtest
application, as it can attach the loadtest topic to a loadtestQueue Amazon SQS queue.
This can be used to process the messages as they come in, and develop a feeling
for how the various components add latency. Like the loadtest code, the sqs
code can be modified to actually process the incoming messages and do more
realistic backend processing. The code for the lambda function processing the
incoming messages is found inline in the cloudformation template, but can be
moved to an external file to make updating easier.
This section will describe in detail how to create a CA certificate, register it with AWS IoT, and then provision and connect new devices to AWS IoT over MQTT using your custom CA certificate.
The first step is to deploy the AWS CloudFormation stack associated with this repository. A Makefile is supplied that confers with a etc/ file for a number of environment variables:
AWS_STACK ?= iot-policy
AWS_BUCKET ?= your-s3-bucket-name
AWS_ACCOUNT ?= 999xxxxxxx
AWS_REGION ?= eu-central-1
You will need an s3 bucket to temporarily store the generated template, you can set this using:
aws s3 mb s3://your-s3-bucket-name
You can then set the file to contain just the name of the bucket.
Similarly, you should set the ACCOUNT to your AWS AccountId and REGION to the
region you want to deploy the stack to.
You don't need to use the, but can instead simply set these environment variables to the correct values.
export AWS_STACK=iot-policy
export AWS_BUCKET=your-s3-bucket-name
export AWS_ACCOUNT=999xxxxxxx
export AWS_REGION=eu-central-1
If you have a standard make command you should now be able to type:
make deploy
This will process a AWS CloudFormation template and then deploy the associated stack. This will run two commandlines:
aws cloudformation package \
--s3-bucket $(AWS_BUCKET) \
--template-file etc/cloudformation.yaml \
--output-template-file tmp/cloudformation.pkg.yaml
Which takes the template file in etc/cloudformation.yaml and generates a normalized version, and performs a basic set of check on the syntax. This step requires an s3 bucket to work. The second command:
aws cloudformation deploy \
--stack-name $(AWS_STACK) \
--template-file tmp/cloudformation.pkg.yaml \
Then takes the normalized template and deploys it into your current region and account. As we are creating an IAM role, we need to add the capability at runtime using the --capabilities flag.
Once the role and policy are deployed, we will first generate a CA that we will use to provision device certificates:
This will generate two files:
The first file is the private key for the CA. This file should be carefully guarded as anyone with a copy of it can create new device certificates. The second file is the x509 certificate for the CA which will serve as the root of trust for all of the device certificates. This file will be installed in AWS IoT and used to validate your signed devices.
The create-ca script takes a series of optional command line arugments:
create-ca CommonName Country Location State Organization OrganizationalUnit
The output files will be named "" and "" accordingly. You can use this to generate application specific CA certificates that tie the provisioning profile to a specific application type.
If you haven't already exported your account number, you can do so by typing:
export AWS_ACCOUNT=999xxxxxx
Registering the CA with AWS IoT can then be done by running the command:
This will take the CA certificate and key generated in the last step. Create a sample CSR which will be used to generate a valid certificate, and then send both to AWS IoT. The service will then validate the signed certificate against the CA certificate, and register the provisioning template generated from the file "etc/regfile.tmp" with the CA certificate.
If this command works, you can verify your CA certificate with:
aws iot list-ca-certificates
This will list the CA certificates associated with your account in this region. You can have up to 10 CA certificates per region.
Now that you have a CA certificate registered with AWS IoT, you can create a device certificate.
./bin/provision deviceName
This will create a private key and a x509 certificate for the device:
In addition to these files, the device should have one or more of the AWS ATS endpoint certificates:
RSA 2048 bit
RSA 4096 bit
ECC 256 bit
ECC 384 bit
The Symantec certificate is the legacy certificate, and is currently deprecated. It is highly recommended that if possible you use more than one of the ATS endpoint certificates. Obviously, if your device or software library is contstrained it may not be possible to support all 4 encryption standards.
To connect your device to AWS IoT, you can first discover your ATS endpoint using the command:
aws iot describe-endpoint --type iot:Data-ATS
This will return the URL for the AWS IoT endpoint using the above ATS root certificates. Supplied in the repo are a bin/pub and a bin/sub which demonstrate using this command in conjunction with mosquitto_pub and mosquitto_sub respectively to connect to AWS IoT.
The IoTAccess policy is configured to allow your certificates to subscribe to any topic, where as each device can only publish to it's specific topic, with the same name as it's CommonName certificate attribute. The MQTT client id must also match the certificate's CommonName attribute as well, meaning that only one device may use a given certificate at a time.
To try these out first create two new device certificates:
./bin/provision producer
./bin/provision subscriber
This will create a .key and a .crt file for each in the current working directory. You can then start the subscriber by running:
./bin/sub subscriber
It will then inform you that it is listening on the topic wildcard # and will connect twice, first to provision the certificate, and then a second time to actually start the subscription.
Then after the subscriber is started you can run:
./bin/pub publisher
./bin/pub publisher hello world
The first run will error out with a premature connection lost, but this will start the JITP for the publisher certificate, and the second time it will send the message "hello world" on the topic "publisher" to to the subscriber.
It is important to be aware that the JITP process closes the initial connection from a new certificate, and as such reconnect logic should take this into account when writing a production application. As part of a factory test procedure, it is a good idea to have each device under test connect with it factory provisioned certificate before shipping to the end customer. Note well that each time the device connects to a new region, this process will also occur.
Many applications that operate with AWS IoT require a persistent subscriber on a number of topics to process the incoming device data. While MQTT has the ability to retain the latest telemetry from a device by setting the retain flag, this is not suitable for applications which require either frequent updates or monitoring and recording over a long period of time.
One of the easiest way to add this soft of persistent consumer is to forward messages via a AWS IoT Rule to an Amazon SQS queue. The queue will provide a reliable buffer with delivery gurantees, that can persist beyond the most recent value on a given topic. Additionally, an Amazon SQS queue can have multiple consumers which will process the incoming messages, and can provide buffering during backend system upgrades or during backend scaling operations.
In the sqs directory, there is a cloudformation.yaml which will configure a new stack using AWS CloudFormation that provisions:
- a named Amazon SQS queue
- an IAM role that allows AWS IoT to publish to that queue
- an AWS IoT Topic Rule which will forward all messages on topic to that queue
- an IAM role to allow an AWS Lambda function to process that queue
- an AWS Lambda function which will simply log each message
- an AWS Lambda Event Source which binds the queue to the function
This setup will result in each message on the queue being consumed immediately by a AWS Lambda function, and provides a good example of using a serverless architecture for automatically scaling event processing.
Like with the other Makefile there is a like the other templates. You should either populate the environment variables:
export AWS_STACK=loadtest-stack
export AWS_BUCKET=your-s3-bucket-name
export AWS_ACCOUNT=999xxxxxxx
export AWS_REGION=eu-central-1
export AWS_TOPIC=loadtest
Or setup the file with the appropriate overrides:
AWS_STACK ?= loadtest-stack
AWS_BUCKET ?= your-s3-bucket
AWS_ACCOUNT ?= 999xxxxxxx
AWS_REGION ?= eu-central-1
AWS_TOPIC ?= loadtest
The loadtest code assumes that the topic that all of the test results are written to is called loadtest. This topic will be consumed by the AWS Lambda function and logged to Amazon CloudWatch logs.
To install the stack you can type:
make deploy
To deploy the stack by hand you can use the command lines:
aws cloudformation package \
--s3-bucket $(AWS_BUCKET) \
--template-file cloudformation.yaml \
--output-template-file cloudformation.pkg.yaml
which will generate the normalized cloudformation template, and:
aws cloudformation deploy --stack-name $(AWS_STACK) \
--template-file cloudformation.pkg.yaml \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM \
--parameter-overrides TopicName=$(AWS_TOPIC)
which will deploy the stack. In the second command, the --parameters-overrides argument demonstrates how you can override CloudWatch parameters at run time. This is very useful when you need to deploy multiple variants of a stack, which are dedicated to specific use cases such as deploying individual stacks per customer, or setting values specific to development, staging, or production.
Once deployed, the rule will be active and all messages sent to the topic "loadtest" will be forward to the "loadtestQueue" Amazon SQS queue. The AWS Lambda function will also be active, so these messages will be almost immediately consumed from the queue and processed. To create a backlog of items in the queue, you can disable the AWS Lambda function:
aws lambda update-event-source-mapping \
--no-enabled \
--uuid $(aws lambda list-event-source-mappings \
| jq -r '.EventSourceMappings \
| .[] \
| select( \
.FunctionArn | contains("SQSProcessLambda")) \
| .UUID')
This will update the Event Source Mapping to be in a disabled state, and will stop the flow of messages to the AWS Lambda function. You can re-enable it using the same command changing the --no-enabled to --enabled.
For a production application, you can create a queue for each batch of processors who need access to the data on a topic. Additionally, the IoT rule can provide additional selection criteria in matching the data sent to the queue. By modifying the topic rule's SQL statement, you can select only the data you need to be forwarded to the queue.
The loadtest directory contains a node.js application that can simulate thousands of devices on a single machine. The exact behavior is tunable at runtime, but the general concept is:
1.) The application uses a CA certificate to create a number of
device certificates for publishers and subscribers
2.) Each publisher device sends one message per second to a topic
of a matching name to it's device id (pub#)
3.) Each subscriber receieves each message and modifies it to
contain the time at which it processed it
4.) Each subscriber then fowards that message to a loadtest topic
with the modified contents
By default it will create a single publisher and a single subscriber resulting in 3 messages per second. The number of messages per second can be calculated as: publishers * (1 + 2*subscribers)
So if you have 3 publishers and 2 subscribers, you should expect:
3 * (1+2*2) = 15
The breakdown between inbound and outbound are as follows:
inbound: publishers * ( 1 + subscribers )
outbound: publishers * subscribers
messages per second. On a typical server, you should be able to simulate approximately 500 devices communicating. Assuming you had 20 subscribers, and 487 publishers, you should see approximately 20000 messages per second.
Currently accounts default to a maximum of 20000 inbound and 20000 outbound messages per second, and you can adjust the numbers to exceed this throughput. With this setup you will hit the inbound limit before you hit the outbound limit in all cases.
To prepare to run a loadtest you will first need to install node.js v10, and the dependencies for the loadtest application. To install the application dependencies you can simply type:
npm install .
After the dependencies are installed, you need to specify the AWS gateway to use:
export AWS_IOT_ENDPOINT=$(aws iot describe-endpoint \
| jq -r \'.["endpointAddress"]\')
Then you can setup a loadtest with a number of device certificates by typing:
./loadtest -setup -subscribers 3 -producers 10
This will create 3 subscriber certificates and 10 producer certificates. After this we can run the loadtest with those values:
./loadtest -loadtest -subscribers 3 -producers 10
This will start up all 13 subprocesses which will start sending messages immediately. If you have configured the Amazon SQS queue as above
This sample code is made available under a modified MIT license. See the LICENSE file.