MediaSearch project (aws-kendra-transcribe-search)

This solution makes audio and video media content searchable in an Amazon Kendra index.

It uses Amazon Transcribe to convert media audio tracks to text, and Amazon Kendra to provide intelligent search so that your users can find the content they are looking for, even when it's embedded in the sound track of your audio or video files. The solution also provides an enhanced Kendra query application which lets users play relevant sections of original media files returned in query results, directly from the search page.


The MediaSearch solution has two components.

  • The first component, the MediaSearch indexer, finds and transcribes audio and video files stored in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. The Indexer can also index YouTube media from a YouTube playlist as audio files and transcribe these audio files. It prepares the transcriptions by embedding time markers at the start of each sentence, and it indexes each prepared transcription in a new or existing Amazon Kendra index. The Index runs the first time when you install it, and subsequently runs on an interval that you specify, maintaining the index to reflect any new, modified, or deleted files. You can optionally provide additional metadata for your media files to add faceting and filtering to your searches. You can also optionally provide additional options files to customize how Amazon Transcribe transcribes your media files - use custom vocabulary, custom language models, or take advantage of other Amazon Transcribe features.
  • The second component, the MediaSearch finder, is a sample web search client that you use to search for content in your Amazon Kendra index. It has all the features of a standard Amazon Kendra search page, but it also includes in-line embedded media players(including a YouTube Player) in the search result, so you can not only see the relevant section of the transcript, but also play the corresponding section from the original media (i.e., audio files and video files in your Media Bucket or a YouTube URL) without navigating away from the search page.


See the blog post to get started: Making your audio and video files searchable using Amazon Transcribe and Amazon Kendra


Finder The MediaSearch solution has an event driven serverless computing architecture, depicted in the diagram above.

  1. You provide an Amazon S3 bucket containing the audio and video files you want to index and search. This is also known as the MediaBucket. Leave this blank if you do not want to index media from your MediaBucket.
  2. You also provide your YouTube playlist URL and the number of videos to index from the YouTube playlist. Ensure that you comply with the YouTube Terms of Service. The YTIndexer will index the latest files from the YouTube playlist. i.e. if the number of videos is set to 5, then the YTIndexer will index the 5 latest videos in the playlist. Any YouTube video indexed prior is ignored from being indexed.
  3. An AWS Lambda function fetches the YouTube videos from the playlist as audio (mp3 files) into the YTMediaBucket and also creates a metadata file in the MetadataFolderPrefix location with metadata for the YouTube video (2). The YouTube videoid along with the related metadata are recorded in a DynamoDB table (YTMediaDDBQueueTable) (3).
  4. Amazon EventBridge generates events on a repeating interval (e.g. every 2 hours, every 6 hours, etc.) These events invoke the AWS Lambda function (S3CrawlLambdaFunction) (4).
  5. An AWS Lambda function is invoked initially when the CloudFormation stack is first deployed, and then subsequently by the scheduled events from Amazon EventBridge (4). The S3CrawlLambdaFunction crawls through the MediaBucket and the YTMediabucket and starts a Kendra data source sync job. The Lambda function lists all the supported media files (FLAC, MP3, MP4, Ogg, WebM, AMR, or WAV) and associated metadata and transcribe options stored in the user provided S3 bucket (1).
  6. Each new file is added to another Amazon DynamoDB tracking table and submitted to be transcribed by a Transcribe job. Any file that has been previously transcribed is submitted for transcription again only if it has been modified since it was previously transcribed, or if associated Transcribe options have been updated. The DynamoDB table (6) is updated to reflect the transcription status and last modified timestamp of each file. Any tracked files that no longer exist in the S3 bucket are removed from the DynamoDB table and from the Amazon Kendra index. If no new or updated files are discovered, the Amazon Kendra data source sync job is immediately stopped. The DynamoDB table holds a record for each media file with attributes to track transcription job names and status, and last modified timestamps.
  7. As each Transcribe job completes, EventBridge generates a Job Complete event, which invokes an instance of another Lambda function(S3JobCompletionLambdaFunction).
  8. The Lambda function processes the transcription job output, generating a modified transcription that has a time marker inserted at the start of each sentence. This modified transcription is indexed in Amazon Kendra, and the job status for the file is updated in the DynamoDB table. When the last file has been transcribed and indexed, the Amazon Kendra data source sync job is stopped.
  9. The index is populated and kept in sync with the transcriptions of all the media files in the S3 bucket monitored by the MediaSearch indexer component, integrated with any additional content from any other provisioned data sources. The media transcriptions are used by Amazon Kendra’s intelligent query processing, which allows users to find content and answers to their questions.
  10. The sample finder client application enhances users’ search experience by embedding an inline media player with each Amazon Kendra answer that is based on a transcribed media file. The client uses the time markers embedded in the transcript to start media playback at the relevant section of the original media file.
  11. Optionally a Cognito user pool is used to authenticate users and to support OpenID token based access control, as determined by the Authentication and access control parameters provided when the finder client application stack is deployed.

Add Kendra metadata

You can add metadata - additional information about a media file - using a metadata file. Each metadata file is associated with an indexed media file. Adding metadata allows you to populate default (reserved) Kendra index attributes (such as _category), or populate any additional custom document attributes that you have already added to your index. Document attributes can be used for filtering queries.

Your metadata files must be stored in the same bucket as your media files. You can specify a location within the bucket for your metadata files using the optional CloudFormation parameter MetadataFolderPrefix. If you don't specify an S3 prefix, your metadata files must be stored in the same location as your indexed documents. A metadata file must have the same name as the associated media file, with the additional filename suffix .metadata.json added.

See Kendra documentation for more details on how and where to create metadata files: S3 document metadata.

The AccessControlList field of the document metadata can be used to allow or deny access to the document to specific users and groups. When the authentication and access tokens are enabled in the Finder application, it sends the user token of the logged in user along with the query to the Kendra index.

Add Transcribe options

You can add transcribe options - additional configuration settings to customise your media file transcription job - using a transcribe options file. Each transcribe options file is associated with an indexed media file. Adding transribe options allows you to take full advantage of Amazon Transcribe features, such as Custom vocabularies, Automatic content redaction, Custom Language models, and more.

Following the same convention as Kendra metadata, your transcribe options files must be stored in the same bucket as your media files. You can specify a location within the bucket for your options files using the optional CloudFormation parameter OptionsFolderPrefix. If you don't specify an S3 prefix, your options files must be stored in the same location as your indexed documents. An options file must have the same name as the associated media file, with the additional filename suffix .transcribeopts.json added.

Transcribe options files must contain valid JSON to provide one or more Transcribe job parameters - see Amazon Transcribe Request Parameters for valid parameters and syntax. Here is an example options file which specifies that the associated media file should be transcribed using the (preconfigured) custom vocabulary MyCustomVocab:

        "LanguageCode": "en-US",

The values for TranscriptionJobName and Media are provided automatically by the crawler, and will not be overwritten by the options file.

If the options file does not specify a value for LanguageCode, the crawler will automatically set IdentifyLanguage to true, allowing Transcribe to automatically determine the language used in the media file. You must provide a value for LanguageCode when you use a custom vocabulary, a custom model, or vocabulary filter.

To troubleshoot any issues with transcribe options, examine the crawler lambda function logs in CloudWatch. On the Functions page of the Lambda console, use your MediaSearch stack name as a filter to list the two MediaSearch indexer functions. Choose the crawler function, and then choose Monitor & View logs in CloudWatch to examine the output and troubleshoot any issues reported when starting the Transcribe jobs for your media files.

Optional Authentication and Access Control

Authentication using Amazon Cognito user pools can be enabled by providing a valid email address to the AdminEmail parameter of the Finder CloudFormation template. The Finder template creates a user with username admin and adds it to a group called Admins. Cognito sends an email to the email address specified in the AdminEmail parameter with the temporary password for the username admin. To create additional users and groups in the Cognito userpool please refer to Creating User Accounts as Administrator and Adding Groups to a User Pool.

The EnableAccessTokens parameter of the Finder CloudFormation template enables the Cognito user pool to be used as an OpenID provider for the Kendra index. The AccessControlList field of the document metadata can be used to allow or deny access to the document to specific users and groups as specified in the Add Kendra Metadata section above.


To download audio for the YouTube videos, the Indexer uses the yt-dlp python package. The yt_dlp package is installed into the layers/yt_dlp folder and uploaded as a Lambda Layer. Additionally the YouTube Indexer, Indexer, crawler and jobcomplete lambda function code are maintained in the lambda directory.


The Finder application is based on the Kendra sample search application, and is in the src directory. It is built during deployment as an Amplify Console application. The initial application build and deployment takes about 10 minutes.

If the application doesn’t open within 10-15 minutes after deploying the Finder stack, then you troubleshoot the problem:

  • Open AWS Amplify in the AWS console
  • Choose the MS-Finder-App
  • Click on the failed step - Provision, Build, Deploy, or Verify. For example, choose Build, then FrontEnd to explore the application build logs and identify the problem.

CloudFormation Templates

The cfn-templates directory contains CloudFormation templates used to deploy the MediaSearch Indexer and Finder applications

  • msindexer.yaml: Deploys an indexer for all files, a YouTube indexer to index and download audio for YouTube files, including (optionally) a Kendra index, a DynamoDB table to keep track of the state of media files, a DynamoDB table to keep track of YouTube videoid and their metadata, Lambda functions, IAM roles, EventBridge Events etc.
  • msfinder.yaml: Deploys the finder web application using AWS Amplify, including a CodeCommit repository, an AWS Amplify console application, and IAM roles The templates contain tokens for bucket names, zipfile names, etc. The publish scipt,, is used to replace these tokens and deploy templates and code artifacts to a deployment bucket

Build and Publish MediaSearch

Use the bash script to build the project and deploy cloud formation templates to your own deployment bucket.

Prerequisite: You must already have the AWS CLI installed and configured, or use an AWS Cloud9 environment.

To deploy to non-default region, set environment variable AWS_DEFAULT_REGION to a region supported by Amazon Kendra and Amazon Transcribe. See: AWS Regional Services E.g. to deploy in Ireland run export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=eu-west-1 before running the publish script.

Run the script with up to 6 parameters:

./ cfn_bucket cfn_prefix [public] [dflt_media_bucket] [dflt_media_prefix] [dflt_metadata_prefix] [dflt_options_prefix]

- cfn_bucket: name of S3 bucket to deploy CloudFormation templates and code artifacts. if bucket does not exist it will be created.
- cfn_prefix: artifacts will be copied to the path specified by this prefix (path/to/artifacts/)
- public (Optional): If ACL is enabled and Public access is allowed on your cfn_bucket then the uploaded deployment artefacts are made public.
- dflt_media_bucket: (Optional) sets the default media bucket in the template.. for example, use this default installations to index sample files in the bucket you provide. Must be in same region as cfn_bucket.
- dflt_media_prefix: (Optional) default path to (sample) media files in the dflt_media_bucket. If not mentioned is set to artifacts/mediasearch/sample-media/
- dflt_metadata_prefix: (Optional) default prefix for (sample) Kendra metadata files in the dflt_media_bucket.  If not mentioned is set to artifacts/mediasearch/sample-metadata/
- dflt_options_prefix: (Optional) default prefix for (sample) Transcribe options files in the dflt_media_bucket

It uses aws cloudformation package to create and upload artefacts like layers, lambda code and finally the cloudformation templates(msindexer.yaml and msfinder.yaml) that references the code arteacts to s3 bucket. When complete, it displays the URLS for the CloudFormation templates and 1-click URLs for launching the stack create in CloudFormation , e.g.:





If you specify a value for dflt_media_bucket and it is in a different AWS region than the cfn_bucket, the script will display a warning, e.g.:

WARNING!!! Default media bucket region (us-east-1) does not match deployment bucket region (eu-west-1).. Media bucket (bobs-dflt_media_bucket) must be in same region as deployment bucket (bobs-cfn_bucket)

If you see this warning, run the publish script again with different buckets, to resolve the problem. If you deploy a stack using a media bucket in a region other than the region you deploy in, your media files will not be transcribed or indexed.

Learn More

See the blog post for much more information, including:

  • How to easily deploy MediaSearch using publically published templates and sample files in us-east-1
  • Cost information
  • Tutorial for getting started and testing with the sample files
  • How to monitor and troubleshot problems


Fork the MediaSearch GitHub repository, enhance the code, and send us pull requests so we can incorporate and share your improvements! Here are a few suggestions for features you might want to implement:

  • Improve transcription accuracy for your media domain by adding support for Amazon Transcribe domain specific custom language models or custom vocabulary.
  • Enhance your search using filters and facets by adding support for Kendra metadata, or go a step further by integrating Amazon Comprehend to automatically create filters and facets using detected entities as illustrated in this great blog post: Build an intelligent search solution with automated content enrichment
  • Extend MediaSearch to additional user channels, for example, integrate QnABot with your MediaSearch Kendra index so your users can get media sourced answers via their chatbots on web pages, Slack, or Amazon Connect contact centers.

We’d love to hear from you. Let us know what you think using the repo issues forum.