
This repo will walk customers through setting up the aws kubernetes cni plugin on a self managed kubernetes cluster on AWS. It will also demonstrate how to leverage Calico to enforce Kubernetes network policy.

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Using the Amazon VPC CNI for Kubernetes + Calico network policy enforcement in a kops cluster.

tl:dr steps:

  • Install a cluster with kops

  • Modify IAM policy on ec2 instances (cni.policy.yaml included in this repo)

  • Assure all traffic is allowed between the master and node security groups and all traffic is allowed within the security groups.

  • Pass --node-ip <ip-address> to kubelet on all master and node instances, where <ip-address> equals the primary ip address on eth0 of the ec2 instance

  • Apply the aws-cni.yaml file to your cluster

  • Apply the calico.yaml file to your cluster

  • Apply and test network policy enforcement


Install a cluster with kops

Create an s3 bucket for Cluster State

Add a custom prefix to the bucket name below:

aws s3api create-bucket --bucket prefix-example-com-state-store --region us-east-1
Setup environment variables

Assure you use the same prefix you defined above to the state store below:

export NAME=awscni.k8s.local
export kops_STATE_STORE=s3://prefix-example-state-store
Deploy cluster with kops

This example will deploy a kubernetes cluster in us-east-2a:

kops create cluster --zones us-east-2a --networking cni --yes --name ${NAME}
Verify nodes

In a few minutes a single-master/dual-node cluster will be deployed into your account. kops will automatically configure the Kubernetes contexts in your config file. From here let’s make sure we can access the node from kubectl:

kubectl get nodes

This will only display the master node in a not ready status for now. We need to perform a few tasks to get the CNI up and running properly.


Modify IAM policy on ec2 instances

Create a customer managed policy

First we need to modify the IAM policy attached to the masters and nodes to allow them to allocate IP addresses and ENIs from the VPC network.

From the AWS console navigate to the IAM page:


Click on "Policies to the left"


Click on the "Create Policy" button and then click on the "JSON" tab:


From here copy and paste the contents from the file "cni-policy.json" (included in the root of this repository) and then click "Review Policy".

The next screen will allow you to review the permissions and provide the policy a name, for the purpose of this walkthrough let’s name the policy "aws-cni".

Apply the policy to the nodes and the masters

From the IAM console select the roles menu from the left and then search for "awscni" in the search box.


Next select the "masters.awscni.k8s.local" role and apply the customer managed policy we created in the previous bullet point. Click the "attach policy" button and search for the "aws-cni" policy we previously created and click the "attach policy" button in the lower right hand corner.


Repeat for the "nodes.awscni.k8s.local" policy.

Modify Security Groups

Next we need to modify the security groups to allow all traffic from/to and within the master and node security groups.

First, go to the aws ec2 console and click instances on the left side:


Select the master instance and click on the security group (from the description tab).

Create a new inbound rule to allow all traffic from the nodes group.


All of the other rules should already exist, at the end what you need to verify is that all traffic flows freely between the masters and nodes security group in addition to all traffic within the groups themselves (all traffic from master security group to master security group).

Set node-ip flag on kubelet

ssh into each instance and retrieve the primary ip address:


Add the --node-ip flag with the value retrieved from above to the kubelet config /etc/sysconfig/kubelet and restart kubelet:

sudo systemctl restart kubelet

Deploy the AWS CNI plugin

Apply the manifest file, this is included in the root of this repository.

kubectl apply -f aws-cni.yaml

Verify the nodes are in a ready state

watch kubectl get nodes

Eventually the display will change and all of the nodes will have a status of "ready". If not, stop here, and go back and verify all of the previous steps as the next steps will not work.


Next verify that all of the pods in the kube-system namespace are successfully running, this will validate that the CNI is properly functioning:

kubectl get pods --namespace=kube-system

Again if there are any problems here go back and verify all of the previous steps.

Deploy the Calico plugin for network policy

kubectl apply -f calico.yaml

Again verify all of the pods in the kube-system namespace are in good running order, you will have three more pods than you did the first time we performed this step:

kubectl get pods --namespace=kube-system

Test Network Policy Enforcement

Create a namespace for testing:

kubectl create ns policy-demo

Deploy 3 Nginx pods

kubectl run nginx-deployment --replicas=3 --image=nginx --port=80 --namespace=policy-demo

Verify the pods are in running state:

kubectl get pods --namespace=policy-demo

Expose the deployment:

kubectl expose deployment nginx-deployment --type=LoadBalancer --port=80 --namespace=policy-demo

Retrieve the service endpoint:

kubectl get svc --namespace=policy-demo -o=wide

Browse to the External IP and you should see the Nginx home page


Apply default deny all network policy, this file is available in the root of this repository:

kubectl apply -f deny-all-policy.yaml --namespace=policy-demo

Again browse to the external IP and you should now be blocked (note your existing brower may re-use an existing connection, try another browswer or curl the endpoint)


This demonstration has shown how you can leverage the aws kubernetes cni in your own cluster and how to use Calico network policy to enforce your Kubernetes network policy objects.

Cleaning up the example resources

To remove all resources created by this example do the following:

  1. Delete the policy-demo namespace (this will delete all of the resources in the namespace as well):

    kubectl delete ns --policy-demo
  2. Remove the customer policy from the node and master IAM roles

  3. Delete the cluster with kops:

    kubectl delete cluster awscni.k8s.local --yes

License Summary

This sample code is made available under a modified MIT license. See the LICENSE file.