This repository is a sample code coach(include code interpreter ) using the Anthropic company's LLM Claude 2, Mistral, two of the foundational models provided by Amazon Bedrock for generative AI. This sample is an innovative tool designed to assist developers in writing efficient and high-quality code .
It's an architecture built on AWS managed services, eliminating the need for infrastructure management. Utilizing Amazon Bedrock, there's no need to communicate with APIs outside of AWS. This enables deploying scalable, reliable, and secure applications.
- Amazon DynamoDB: NoSQL database for user auth information storage
- Amazon Bedrock: Managed service to utilize foundational models via APIs
- Amazon CloudFront + S3: Frontend application delivery (React, Chakra UI)
- Piston : code runtime
- Amazon EC2
- Amazon Javascript sdk v3
CodeCoach Vimeo link:
Model: Claude Instant, Claude2/2.1, Claude3 Connect, Mistral 7B, Mixtral 8x7B
Prompt Editor
Authentication (Sign-up, Sign-in)
IAM Role support
Prompt Editor
Docker Image
Docker Compose deploy file
Export chat history
Syntax highlighting for code
Rendering of Markdown'
Streaming Response
Python runtime support
PHP runtime support
golang runtime support
"How to fix " support
CDN support
ECS support
Install script
Cloudfromation/ CDK deployment script
Currently, we have only tested in the us-west-2 region. If you want to use another region, please fork this project, modify the region in the .env.local file, and also modify the file to clone the project from your repository for deployment.
Option1. Create cloudformation statc use AWS CLI tools.
#Replace <your_ec2_keypair> to your EC2 key pair. #Create Stack aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name codecoach --template-body file://cf-template.yaml --parameters ParameterKey=SSHKeyName,ParameterValue=<your_ec2_keypair> --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM #Check StackStatus , CREATE_COMPLETE aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name codecoach --query "Stacks[0].StackStatus" --output text #Get CDN https url aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name codecoach --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey=='CloudFrontDomainName'].OutputValue" --output text
Option2. Create cloudformation through web console
Step1. click create stack and upload cf-template.yaml
Step2. Setup parameter and Submit
Step3. Found cloudfront URL
Access CodeCoach, default user!@#,please change your password when you first login!
- Claude 2 prompt guide