
The objective of this code is to remove as many difficulties as possible when trying to deploy canaries with terraform.

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Terraform modules to deploy Cloudwatch Synthetic Canaries

What are Synthetic Canaries and how to create one?


The objective of this code is to remove as many difficulties as possible when trying to deploy canaries with terraform.


See this AWS prescriptive document for more details: Deploy CloudWatch Synthetics canaries by using Terraform. This repo is composed of two modules: one to setup the common infrastructure required for all canaries and one to setup a canary testing a specific API.
The canary module has been designed to deploy a canary testing an API only privately available.
The canary must run in the VPC where the API is deployed and have a security group allowing to call the API.
An example terraform script using the two modules has been provided in: main.tf.


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.