
Automate updates to ECS Optimized AMIs

PaulMaddox opened this issue · 8 comments

Currently this is a manual process, and normally kind members of the community will submit a pull request updating the AMI identifiers in the infrastructure/ecs-cluster.yaml file.

We should either:

  1. Use AWS CodeBuild to check for the latest AMIs for each region, and automatically open a pull request for the changes. I've done similar in another project (awslabs/goformation) before and it's worked well.

  2. Replace the hardcoded AMIs in the CloudFormation templates with a custom resource that looks up the latest AMI for the region.

I think option 1 would be preferable, as i'm not sure CloudFormation update-stack evaluates the result of custom resources, so would not update stacks properly when the AMIs change.

FWIW I got tired of updating the AMI list by hand, and am now using this little Python script to generate the mapping:

#! ./venv/bin/python3
# python -m venv .venv
# .venv/bin/pip install lxml requests cssselect
# .venv/bin/python ecs-dump

from lxml import html
import requests

url = ''

page = requests.get(url)
tree = html.fromstring(page.content)

regions = [e.text_content() for e in tree.cssselect('tr td:nth-child(1) code')]
amis = [e.text_content() for e in tree.cssselect('tr td:nth-child(3)')]

version = tree.cssselect('table tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(2)')[0].text_content()
print('  # Current AMI version: %s' % version)
print('  AWSRegionToAMI:')
for (region, ami) in sorted(zip(regions, amis)):
    print('    %s:' % region)
    print('      AMI: %s' % ami)

@PaulMaddox : what about using Lambda to check the actual AMI ?

This just got much easier:

Amazon ECS provides ECS-Optimized AMI metadata via SSM Parameters

Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) now allows you to dynamically get the latest ECS-optimized Amazon Machine Image (AMI) ID when creating a cluster made up of EC2 instances

CloudFormation supports pulling parameters directly from SSM Parameter Store.

@PaulMaddox Neat! I am wondering if using that should be considered a best practice. My experience has been that the a-c releases of an image series tend to be quite unstable, so upgrading automatically can be dangerous.

Is there any API to get latest AMI per region? ECS AMI ID is a parameter from my customized CFN so if there is an API to get the latest AMI for ECS, it'd be great.


PR #76 should address this issue.

Jason Swindle

PR #92 is an update version of PR #76 that will merge without conflicts